Plz Unlock NokiaN95 8GB

Discussion in 'Nokia - Unlocking' started by pcraj, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. pcraj

    pcraj Guest

    Could you please unlock my phone:

    Model phone: Nokia N95 8GB
    IMEI #: 354829027440969
    Country: Finland
    Provider: Sonera

    Thank you very much !
  2. LukeWiggy

    LukeWiggy Guest

  3. LukeWiggy

    LukeWiggy Guest

    The N95 belongs to a generation of mobile phones called BB5 (Baseband 5), that followed on from earlier DCT4 and DCT3 families. The DCT families can be unlocked using a code generator if you know your IMEI and the network the phone is locked to.

    I'm pretty sure that, apart maybe for one person in the Balkans who guards his secret, only the network that a BB5 phone is locked to can unlock it. Nokia will not. Flashing does not. The bb5.exe program is a hoax. eBay vendors who claim their program will do it are frauds.

    I'm also fairly sure that there is only one unlocking code for any given combination of IMEI and Network Code. I have seen claims that more then one code will do it and that more then one code is needed, I don't believe it.

    If you put a wrong code in, I think, three times you cannot unlock the phone with the correct code - it will need to be done by a service centre in conjunction with your operator. I have heard that Nokia will reset the counter if you have done this, but still will not unlock the phone.

    All clarifications and corrections welcome -I have no inside info, only what I've built up from reading various sources.

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