Pokemon Diamond on no$gba 2.6(black screen)

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by juraikken, Oct 24, 2008.

  1. juraikken

    juraikken Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    hey guys, i've read that other thread about problems with no$gba but those were all about 2.4 or less, but since there is a new version out i tried it out, and yet again there is a problem. the speed is perfect (i keep it on auto) and now we can actually see the 3d rendering! wo0t, but anyway um one problem i've encountered so far is this:

    whenever i play a game and decide to save it then restart the emulator, the save is there but when i try to load it, the screen goes black and does literally nothing. i've left it on overnight to see if it's a speed thing, and nothing.

    i've tried nearly everything out there, but all the solutions are for no$gba 2.4!! so i'm stuck

    1. I've uncompressed the SAV thingy in the .ini file
    2. i've set the nds cartridge backup media as 512KB
    3. I even downloaded a fixed pokemon D/P

    and still nothing! can i get some help guys? =)
  2. juraikken

    juraikken Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    hello? please i need help

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