sorry for adding another thread about pokemon diamond/pearl but I have both game manager and my firmware at version 32 and when I try pokemon pearl (safe mode, trim rom. Also tried with no trim rom), it starts up but It freezes within a couple minutes, any suggestions? edit: I just tried it with soft reset, 1x dma, force r/w, no rom trim like m3 wiki said to do with diamond and that didn't work (it didn't say anything under CF for pearl. is it possible that diamond works and not pearl) edit 2: I diamond does the same thing
I am downloading Pearl now and will try to get it working on my M3CF. As i also need to find/update my M3CF it could be a while. Is there any particular reason for it freezing or is it always just a random crash within a couple of mins? EDIT: Well I just played it for over 25 mins and haven't had any problems. I am using an M3C Perfect v32 with a 1GB Sandisk Ultra II, settings are 1xDMA, Soft Reset, Force R/W, No Trim
ok thanks, but It still wont work on those settings. I think I might just get an m3 simply. I understand that it doesn't work with GBA games and that its drag and drop rather than gamemanager, but if I did so, would there be any other advantages over the older M3 besides working with a few more games? edit: do you think the problem might just be a bad rom dump? the ones I tried were released by legacy and downloaded from frozen-roms
Mine was also a Legacy dump, you could try re-downloading it. Another advantage the M3DSS has over the M3CF is that it dosn't stick out. I have both the M3CF and a M3DSS so what i do is keep GBA games the majority of my homebrew on the M3CF, and use the M3DSS for only DS games.