Hey all I was wondering if someone could make this pokemon for me. If you can please send an email to me at email_removed@ILUVLOCrg pikachu Holding anything Trainer Number: 03087 Secret ID: 12626 Lvl 20 Friendship: 100 Nature: jolly Pokerus: (Leave blank) IV's: HP: 30 Atk: 22 Def: 19 Spd: 50 Sat: 30 Sde: 3 EV's: HP: 50 Sat: 252 Spd: 252 Name: Pikachu OT: Trainer Gender: Female Ball: luxiry Ability: download Moves: Thunderbolt 99 volt takle 99 iro tail 99 lock on 99 Met at: 50 Met in place: 11 Date Met: 8-18-2007 Hometown: 10 (Sinnoh, Diamond) and could you tell me how to use the pokesav
Posting an email in a forum is never good. I trapped it but you may want to edit it out and ask for PM's instead of emails in the future. I'll make this for you tonight and either post or PM the AR code. I wrote this post on using Pokesav. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/566159