i have made numerous backups and some work well others freeze and or digitize. the program i am using is dvd shrink and dvd decrypter and the device buffer somtimes goes all haywire i dont know why or if this is the cause please help me this is very frustrating
Hello yzeone Nearly all newbies, myself included, start out lost as far as media. Read the media posts in the "media" forum to see what others have had to say. The majority here have found the Branded Ritek/Ridata GO4's or Verbatim DataLife Branded disks are your best bet. There are several others that work well also but then you wouldn't get to have all that fun by reading the posts to find them,,,, lol,,, Happy Hunting
so i assume others have had this problem..i am using a bulk brand dvd+r...do you all feel this would cause the problem described....also i forgot to mention if it matters most of the failed backups are being made from backups i already have not originals...thanks guys/girls whatever..
yzeone, Alot of people have this problem and yes usually it is the media. All you really need to use to make a copy of a copy is to do a Diskcopy w/ a DVD Burning program: Nero, Roxio, Sonic you can even do it using DVDDecrypter in .iso mode. Do the read in .iso and then write the data in .iso
Hi Again yzeone Just remeber, the copy can be no better than the original. If you are copying bad copies, the new ones will be bad also.