I was wondering if there was any good freeware to block porn from my computer. I keep getting porn pop ups and there is porn in my history report from presumibly from my son. any help would be greatly appreciated
2 things A) if u are using firefox then get ad block plus cuz i have not had a single pop up while adblock was in action if not then get firefox B)although it's not my position to judge i'd suggest that your son going on porn sites would be a lot easier to fix if you just confronted him about it and asked him to stop
HA HA its prob B. anyways.. i didnt get an option on what i use but what i use is... mcafee site advisor and google toolbar. since i got them ive not had a popup
As far as I know go into IE >tools >internet options >content. Or >Privacy. Be careful what changes you make. In other words DOCUMENT ANY CHANGES. They can bite you in the butt and really restrict your net access. But they're free. Also keep updating IE. and include their free security popup blocker,IE shield. Just expect updates 2/3 times a week.
The Simple solution is to prevent your son from accessing the internet by setting a password ( no internet = no Porn ) by the way change the password monthly or when you suspect anything