portable mp3 specs?

Discussion in 'Audio' started by jackl1495, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. jackl1495

    jackl1495 Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    I'm in the market for a flash mp3 player, and I know what to look for in terms of memory and such, but I'm sure there are a lot of features I don't know about that could burn me, sound type things

    like. signal to noise ratio....things like that.

    if anyone can tell me what to look for on the front other than format and memory that'd be much appreciated.

    also, when it says the range it plays is from 32kbps to 356kbps, can i assume it can play Variable Bit Rate MP3's (Alt Preset Standard)?
  2. musicfan

    musicfan Guest

    You'd better test it with all kinds of mp3 files before purchase.

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