For the past several months our wireless provider's detailed billing has shown numerous multiple text messages that we simply could not have sent. Several months ago, one month's bill showed over 900 text messages sent from my wife's phone in a 72 hour period. She only uses text messaging to occassionaly check up on our teenagers, and certainly would not have sent the kind vulgar language that appeared in all the messages. To top it off, my phone is not text messaging enabled, and one person I talk to on my cell frequently received over 60 text msgs from me withing a 10 hour period. My wife has used our computer to use the wireless provider's on line portal to text message. So far our wireless provider has removed all of the messages that we know we didn't send, but has insinuated that it's something we're doing? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. Thanks the main opinion out there is if you think your phone has a virus then discard it, at the moment there arent any virus checkers for cell phones. something i found out, when Paris Hiltons "phone" was hacked, it wasnt actually her phone it was the server her phone company keeps back ups of on there server, for customers billing and upgrades/recovery.