Post your Hurricane Gustav Experiences here

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by garmoon, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Well I woke up Labor Day (Monday) morning with a cat 3 hurricane knocking at Cocodrie,LA, a tiny fishing village on the central LA coast moving WNW at 10mph or so. At eye landfall he changes to a NW track, bringing the worst NE quadrant of the storm eyewall nearly over Baton Rouge. At 6 AM it was squally winds with the eye about 100 mi from BR. I posted something I believe at 10 AM but at 10:30AM, the wind started; it was the worst Hurricane ever for BR-sustained winds of 61 mph for over 4 hours. And top gust at 91mph-only Betsy, of 92 mph,was worse but she only had sustained winds of 58mph. Katrina not even close.

    BR is a town of large TREES/MISSLES and they were cracked and thrown at various targets(houses/power lines.) We also had the good fortune of a small twister that past over next door neihgbor's house and striped about 30% of the shingles from his roof. I was lucky I had no damage save one cap shingle. The damage is the dreaded power loss which we sustained at 12:30PM Monday and today, Friday, we got power,cable and modem back at 3:00PM.

    We transpired between for those 5 days I leave to you imagination. I had a share of a 5600 watt generator. I had an AC window unit, fan and small 13" color TV with rabbit ears. Now think back to 1920-30s when there was very little electricity, refrigeration, or places to get food. 3 days of rain which actually kept the temp down in the low 80s, but 100%humidity. Life was primitive! With Alcohol and thawing food from freezer, felt and ate well. The power is due to come on in my office is 20 days.

    My family had no problems which included my 88yr Mom. Some friends were fortunate, some not so in house damage; but no injuries to any friends and very few all around state. Unlike NO for Katrina-BR was ready and our governor should be the next President. He was prepared from the git go.

    So all you ADers that were affected by the storm, post your experiences. We get to sweat Ike now; that he's coming this way!
  2. rtm27

    rtm27 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Well, my security company was doing a yo-yo with us getting a group together to go and help in louisiana. 8 of us from my plant were ready to go, but they canceled us within a day of taking off. Just found out yesterday, 3 took off and no more will be allowed to go, as of yet. We are also standing by for Ivan. I have a suitcase half packed, if they tell us to go, it will be for at least a week or so.

    One of my cousins lives in Abbyville, and he said him and his wife sat on the front porch and watched the hurricane come in. They had sent their kids and grandkids to safety, but were gonna ride out the storm, since when Katrina hit, it took them quite a while to get back home. He only had some branches get knocked down, and lost his power at about 10 am. They have a generato hooked up, but he said it's a pain to have to drive for 45 minutes just to get gasoline to keep the generator running.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Aside from just being a PITA it sounds like you guys fared pretty well, other than some light damage and the inconvenience of no power. You got lucky. Hope you guys get things sorted and cleaned up quickly Gary...good luck.
  4. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    @garmoon, glad you and the family came through unhurt. TS Hanna came through our area and not much damage in general. We did get the much needed rain. Again, glad you and the family are OK. Oh, yes, be preparing for Hurricane Ike, we are. Don't know where it's going.

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  5. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    We are enjoying the clean up with AC finally.

    Then there was IKE!!! His trek is same as Gustav. We eagerly await his arrival on Thursday. We just hope it's the northwest side this time.LOL

    Edit: BIGTOXY where is you, sha! You got power yet?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  6. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    yes thank goodness you are doing well. good luck to you and getting your town cleaned up and back to "normal" life as it were. :)

    btw has anyone heard from BigToxy69?? I know he's from somewhere down there and wanted to make sure he was ok... thanks for mentioning that garmoon. :)
  7. Dragula96

    Dragula96 Guest

    Err, I live in central Texas. No worries here, maybe some flooding - but that rarely happens from hurricanes - because we are too far in. I don't get some people. Move somewhere else that there isn't any life threatening events like....hurricanes, mud slides, earthquakes, or tornadoes. Maybe because of their job situation, they have to be located somewhere like that - who knows.

    I'm just glad I have nothing to worry about - so far!
  8. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Gotta have people everywhere. :) Some are where they wanna be and some are where they have to be. ;)

    Just hope that all are doing well and your troubles lessen with every minute. :D
  9. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    So where would you have all the populations from the coast of Maine around thru Texas and up the Pacific coast move? Not to mention the people of "tornado alley" Natural disasters occur in every state. You left out volcanoes, drought, forest fires, hail, ice and sand storms and locusts. I'm sure I missed one.

    And you don't get tornadoes in central Texas? Better watch for drought from all of us moving to your area. Your already over taxed aquifer, might just dry up!

    Edit: I forgot tsunamis. Varnull, haven't even downloaded the few I took from my camera yet.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  10. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Nobody thought to take any pictures? I like pictures.
  11. 1bonehead

    1bonehead Guest

    To the Lord Almighty above, we give you praise and thanks that our friends and their families are safe from harm's way. We thank thee for your divine protection over them.


    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    LOCO the barer of news.. bad news but news none the less.

    Sorry to hear that you folks are having a hard time of it. :(

    garmoon you come on up here and I'll let you use one my puters and stay on the couch. :D
  14. rtm27

    rtm27 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2008
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  15. Dragula96

    Dragula96 Guest

    Montana, Colorado, or Wyoming. There's LOTS of empty space in Montana for people to move into.

    Yea I did, but I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to say. And it's not like you have volcanoes erupting ALL the time. Sand storms and locust? You got to be kidding me - lol! Those aren't life threatening events, maybe to someones crop, but that's about it. And sand storms, where do we have life threatening sand storms? I know they can get kinda bad in West Texas, but I'm not sure where else.

    Tsunamis? I'm talking about the United States, we don't have tsunamis - that I know of or have heard about.

    Yes, but not where I live. They hit more of the North West side, near Dallas and such. Tornadoes are very rare in Austin.

    Ike - Ike Turner. It might be a hard hitter - LOL!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2008

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Check out this's the one I prefer ~


    While it's perfectly fine for you to be an insensitive bumhole if you so choose to be, you should read up on your facts a bit.

    U.S. Pacific West Coast Tsunami ~

    Locust plague ~

    Sand storm ~

    Volcano ~

    As far as the states you claim to be safe the threat of blizzards hasn't been mentioned. Sorry if I've offending anyone, but apparently it's my god given fusking freedom to say or do, look at or whipe my ass with whatever the hell I want ~
  17. rtm27

    rtm27 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Thanks for that link, loco. I haven't heard of that site. I have it bookmarked now. I normally use weather underground for keeping up with all the storms.
  18. Dragula96

    Dragula96 Guest

    Maybe you should read up on your aD forum rules? I don't really appreciate you calling me an bumhole and all the other offensive words you used. Funny you can do those things, but others do and they get banned - typical aD

    And how am I an bumhole? I was just stating an opinion. I never said anything bad about anyone. I just wonder why people choose to live in places where there are ALWAYS hurricanes every year. People have everything destroyed, then come back and rebuild. They say the meaning of crazy, is doing the same thing over and expecting change every time. Sounds crazy to me!

    And all those other things you mentioned, I know we have them - other then that tsunami you posted and I did mention that I wasn't sure about it. I didn't claim that is DOESN'T happen. And 1964? That's the only thing you can come up with? They don't happen ALL the time like hurricanes. And volcanoes erupting every year - try again. And the locusts, I know there have been plagues like this, but years ago. And what does that have to do with death and destruction of homes? Thousands of people aren't effected by this - other then the loss of crops.

    Take a chill pill bro and relax!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2008

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I was making a did I get your attention?
  20. Dragula96

    Dragula96 Guest

    Yea, from your verbal attack! I was also making a point, so what are you getting at? I wasn't trying to start some debate here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2008

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