Power Calibration During Burn Process

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Chugs, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. Chugs

    Chugs Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    I've been using imation dvd-r for DVD shrink + DVD decrpyter purposes, but recently I ran out and I got some Verbatim DVD-r from Hong kong.
    Now everytime I use the Verbatims to burn, it gives a power calibration error right at the start of the burning process, when it is writing the lead in. I went back to some older dvd-r such as imation and Mendi and they all worked fine. But everytime i want to burn the Verbatims with dvd decryptor , it just gives the same error. Even when i used nero to burn it still had power calibration error.
    I have my lastest firmware so im guessing its just the DVDs which are either fake(from hong kong) or faulty.
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Verbatims are made in Singapore or India . Hong Cong I've never seen. run them though DVD Identifier and see what they code out as
  3. Chugs

    Chugs Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    This is what I got from DVD Identifier.
    Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD-R:MCC 03RG20 ]
    Disc & Book Type : [DVD-R] - [DVD-R]
    Manufacturer Name : [Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.]
    Manufacturer ID : [MCC 03RG20 ]
    Blank Disc Capacity : [2,298,496 Sectors = 4.71 GB (4.38 GiB)]
    [ DVD Identifier V5.0.1 - http://DVD.Identifier.CDfreaks.com ]

    On the packaging it also says its manufactured in Taiwan
  4. JoeRyan

    JoeRyan Active member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    The problem may be a conflict in the write strategy of your drive and the discs. This incompatibility can happen when, for example, an 8X drive tries to write to 16X discs. In some cases a disc designer will develop a disc that works well at 16X and can also work on older 4X and 8X drives. In other cases, a designer may decide to build the discs for excellent performance at 16X at the sacrifice of slower speeds. (When the discs don't work, some people label them "crappy quality" unless they are Verbatim. Then they must be either counterfeit, or your drive has problems, or there is something wrong with your computer or files. In the real world, however, the laws of chemistry and physics apply to all manufacturers.)

    What model drive do you have? What is the speed rating of the Verbatim media you are using? It is possible that there is a conflict with your recording software and the combination of discs and drive. Have you tried a different recording software to see if you get the same calibration errors?
  5. Chugs

    Chugs Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    Yes. Ive tried DVD decryptor and Nero, both has the same power calibration error. The verbatim DVD-R is 16x. And my drive is a Sony DVD RW DRU-510A. The imation I used before is 16x too, and that worked perfectly. My other cheap blanks are 4x and 8x. They worked fine too. Just these verbatims are not working. I think the Verbatims i got are faulty.

    By the way, thanks for the help guys.
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Try using Taiyo Yudens
  7. Chugs

    Chugs Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    I found another wierd thing. In DVD decrypter it says supported write speeds are 1x 2x 4x when on the dvds it says 16x Certified. Would this mean it is fake or faulty? i'll be happier to know its fake than knowing I cant use verbatims on this burner.
  8. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    where did you buy the Verbatims?

    sounds like you're drive doesn't like the Verbatims for whatever reason. there one of the best.

    what brand of drive are you using?

    maybe its time to replace/update the drive/burner
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2007
  9. Chugs

    Chugs Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    I got the Verbatims from Hong Kong. Thats why theres a chance that it could be fake. Its made in taiwan and it looks really real. Maybe I should get Sonys next time, since my drives a Sony anywayz. Its too bad coz i keep on reading how good Verbatims are.
  10. Chugs

    Chugs Member

    Jan 5, 2007
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    Just to let you guys know, I got a new Pioneer DVD drive and it works now. I think it was just my Sony drive is too old to handle new Verbatims.
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yes alot of the older drives can't handle the newer 16x media. glad the new Pioneer drive worked out ,there are good drives

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