Power Calibration error

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by SerekLaw, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. SerekLaw

    SerekLaw Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question, but i NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!
    I recently bought a Pioneer DVDRW, and was really looking forward to clearing up some space on my hard drives, but the burner only burns once in every 50 attempts approx. I keep gettin a error msg saying Power Calibration Error, Now i dont think it has anything to do with my power supply as i recently upgraded my pc and bought a 500w supply. This is the first time i've used a DVDRW (i used CDRW severl times)and this is just confusing me.
    I have removed all other drives (cd drives, cdrw etc) just to see if there was some interference from the other devices. I have all the latest ASPI files, im using quite decent DVD-Rs and i also tried DVD+Rs too(which the burner actually seems to burn better than the DVD-Rs)but as i said, mostly i get that same error msg.
    If anyone has any ideas pls let me know because i've even started dreaming about this damn problem now:(
    Thanx all,hopefully hear from u soon.
  2. ds47uk

    ds47uk Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I have a Pioneer and they seem to be very fussy beasts. This is almost certainly IMHO a disc problem. Make sure that the DVD-R's are manufactured by Ritek (very dark plum coloured discs - ARITA and RIDATA and RITEK brands among others) and you should have no problem.

    Hope this helps
  3. andyman0

    andyman0 Guest

    Usually this prob could be:
    A..Laser in writer on it`s way out
    B..Bad Media
    C..Dirty lens in the dvd writer
    As it`s a new one i doubt the first.Normally it`s b or c.
    My friend kept getting this same prob and believe it or not as i knew he was using good quality media(the one with the Ritek dye on them)all i did was blow through the drive to clear any dust and it has worked fine since.Hard to believe i know but it`s true.Oh the other thing is have your writer on a seperate ide to your rom and see if that helps
  4. RedAnt

    RedAnt Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Serek what software are you using to burn, what drive did you get, is your drive set as master or slave and is it the only drive in your pc.This info would help us diagnose your problem.

  5. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    Sometimes just slowing down your burn speed will correct the problem.Follow andyman's steps, and if that doesnt work,slow down your burn.It could be(as andy has said already) a sign that your burner is about to die.Or something as simple as bad media.I had this problem with some ritek ridata's(so its not always crap media)
  6. SerekLaw

    SerekLaw Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    Im using nero to burn, i removed all other drives cos i thought it might help and also is now set as master. Thanx for the tips all i shall give it a go.
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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  8. bbamx68

    bbamx68 Guest

    I had the same thing going on with my nec 8x dvd r and I sent it back to be replaced.I then bought a sony 12x dru-540a and everthing was great,All of a sudden that power calibration error popped up again but only on certian dvd's.I then tried to burn one withnero having installed dvd43 and patin-couffin,two little dvd copy programs and nero burned that disk right thru,I havent seen that power calibration error since but if dvd shrink w/nero or decrypyer doesnt work I try nero with dvd43 and patin-couffin installed. funny though asus kept telling me it was my power supply but thats the one thing thats the same on this computer.if it doesnt work you can unistall those two programs
  9. SerekLaw

    SerekLaw Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    I wanna thank everybody for the help they gave me. I mostly think the problem is down to shite media really, cos it burned with a intenso disc. The only problem i have now is sometimes when it burns the dvd drive wont recognize the disc. Says there is no media in the drive. But i thought i'd do a test based on a friends advice, i created an ISO of the disc. The ISO had all the data was originally burnt onto the disc. But the pioneer drive itself wont read the data that was originally burnt on there by itself.
    So any more advice from you guys i'd bow to you.


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