I recently installed PowerDVD 7 Platinum on a new system, but when I start playing a movie in PowerDVD, whatever visualization is selected for Winamp starts to play over the movie. It can last from around 5 second and then closing on its own, to having to forcibly shut down PowerDVD to stop the visualization. I finally pinpointed the problem by removing all Winamp plugins and moving back just a few at a time until I found which were causing the problem. It's any visualization plugin that PowerDVD doesn't like, all other plugins are fine and don't cause a problem. I'm thinking there has to be something wrong in the registry but can anyone suggest something to fix this? (other than permanently deleting all visualizations from Winamp). The visualizations do not start to play when a movie is started with WinDVD, WMP, or Roxio's Cineplayer. I'm running WinXP with SP2 and all updates current; Winamp v5.24; Nvidia 7900GT; not sure what other info might be helpful. Kasperspy AV is always running and uptodate, Spybot S&D and Ad-aware are run weekly to be sure there's malware/adware.
Terrible problem. Why not try other players such as CoolDVD. There are no spyware or adware out there.