powerleap cpu upgrade???

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by cyepumk, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. cyepumk

    cyepumk Guest

    i recently came across a cpu upgrade kit called powerleap that supposively takes a 233mhz or higher cpu and upgrades it to as high as 1.4ghz.i would like to hear from anyone who has actually used this product to get their experience with it
    does it increase the fsb?if not,would it do much good then?or any other insight or info would help out alot.
    i have a dell gx1 450mhz and a sony vaio 266mhz computer i would like to try this on.both have slot 1 cpus.
  2. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    I have used things like this in the past and quit using them. They tend to make the processor unstable and crash quite a bit. Unless they improved them. Its time for you to do a real upgrade if you looking into a bit of a speed up. You have an old system and that is fine. Many old systems are still quite usefull. Save up about $600US and get a new computer. Will be less headachs.

  3. Starbuck1

    Starbuck1 Guest

    What is the cost for the Powerleap and do you have a website for us to review?? I would like to read about it and give you an opinion. But, for starters, I agree with Mr_Del. If you have no experience doing this, it may be a total pita (pain in the ass) and cause blue screens, system crashes, etc. etc. It sounds fun to play with though; but for stability and reliability build your own machine or buy a $600 Dell 3000 desktop computer you'll be a much happier and productive person.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    don't touch a dell!!! get a clone machine as parts are readily available & interchangeable
  5. cyepumk

    cyepumk Guest

    if you want to know more about this product go to
    http://www.powerleap.com like you, im interrested in messing around with stuff.but at the price (from $99-$300) it would be too much investment if it didnt work.it simply snaps in like a regular slot 1.except it has apowercord you plug into the powersupply so the voltage that the cpu needs can be correct.it sounds amazingly convincing.the website has instalation video and looks totally legit.and i read up on other products like this (slot t? i think it was)and there have been problems with that and other similar products.but none of them had a powercord that allows for the correct voltage while powerleap does.and not having the correct voltage can cause problems and system crashes.

    i do have better computer: sony vaio pcv-v300
    2.8ghz p4
    480 ram
    180gb hd
    16x dvd-rw
    i like to take things aparteven if i dont know what im doing. its the best way to learn.im not totally stupid (just partialy).besides the computers are just sitting around (begging to be f$$ked with).
  6. ScubaBud

    ScubaBud Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    So you have to buy this adapter, then you still need to get the better processor to plug into this adaptor, or you can purchase a cheap MB with a cheap Celeron, and a cheap stick of memory, sell the other PC's the way they are for a few bucks, and you are done for less money with a better system. If you keep the original HD from the older system, it is probably an ATA66 anyway and still crawls.

    As far as tinkering, you will still have to assembly the new parts anyway!

    Remember this also, it doesn't matter what they say about their product. It still has to conform to all the software that is in use too! Today's software might state that it works with this OS and that OS but after we load we sometimes get a rude awaking. Have you ever had any manufacturer state one thing, only to find out that it wasn't true, of course after you spent your money? What about their warranty or return policies?
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2005
  7. cyepumk

    cyepumk Guest

    well,it sounds good .but if i sell the computers then i obviously need a case now.and i dont know anybody that would buy any computer without a hd or any missing parts.so i would have to build a whole new computer that would cost more in the end.plus the fact that icould only get $75 for the dell and nobody wants to go as low as 233mhz.
    from what i understand powerleap has a basic package with the cpu for $99.plus ebay gots them with cpu going for $80.some pcs cant use this adapter and some cost more,you have to check thru website to see.
    but im getting away from my original request:


    i appreciate advice it gets knowledge kicked around,but real experience rather than speculation is needed.people are skeptical this could work but other than the first guy who replied (but who also had a "similar" but altogether different product)nobody has used this exact product.all skeptics please go to the site and see if it doesnt get you wondering.and anybody who has this installed let me know if works or any problems you had with it.
  8. kneedown

    kneedown Guest

    just joined AD, happened to be passing.

    re; Powerleap adaptors - I'm typing this on a 2000-vintage Asus based PC with a Tualatin/PIII 1.4/133 at 1.54/147 on a Powerleap PL-IP3/T which I've been using since Dec last year.

    Before that it was in a Dell GX110 for about 9 months.

    Play Halo, Half-Life2 and a couple of other games at medium res., use the machine as an audio-server (it's quiet). Can't remember the last time it hung (in over 12 months with the adaptor) and it's never crashed.

    Not exactly the same as the one you're enquiring about, but essentially the same hardware.

    I don't think the 'Slot-Wonder' has jumpers for CPU voltage, unlike the PL-iP3/T I'm using, so overclocking might be tricky. But all PL adpators have their own voltage regulation for v-core, unlike most.

    I've found the PL to be excellent, and they are generally well-regarded.

    If you can get either of the PC's you mentioned connected to the internet, PL have a diagnostic service which will tell you definitvely which, if any, of their adaptoes will work on them (I'm pretty certain the GX-1 can use a Tualatin adaptor), and also give you a shed-load of other useful info about the PC in the process.


  9. kneedown

    kneedown Guest

    a correction; the socket-370 adaptor I've got is the PL370-T.

    The PL-IP3/T 'slocket' was basically the same thing. The 'Slot-Wonder' replaced it, and and I beleive they deleted the voltage-setting jumpers, but you might want to confirm that.

  10. cyepumk

    cyepumk Guest

    what are the specs on the pcs used?1.4 ghz cpu work on 133fsb boards anyway.ive seen some go as low as 100fsb.one of my pcs is 66fsb while other is 100 fsb.ive talked to the people at powerleap and they gave vague answers.im trying to find one of those celoron 1.4ghz 100fsb (even saw a 1.8ghz 100fsb)cpu.the ones i saw were very expensive.im trying to find one cheap(probably wont)so i could try one out.as for the 66mhz i dont know,maybe upgrade as much as possible so kids can play around on it.

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