
Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Lethal_B, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    Come On People......Whats the best pranks you've ever played or been played??
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2005
  2. gozilla

    gozilla Regular member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    putting super glue in the keyholes of every door in the english department. does that count as a prank or just juvenile destruction??
  3. romero

    romero Regular member

    Mar 29, 2003
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    Glue is god's gift for prankster, at dormitory we used it a lot and with many imaginative ways: We glued roommates cupboard doors, stuff in their shelves for staying there forever, shoes on the ceiling and so. We made tons of other pranks in 2 years I was there, once we wired my stereo system into dormitory's central radio speakers and woke up two floors of people.

    Best prank ever was when I and my friend mixed lots of laxative oil into one annoying guy's mug of beer, he was so wasted he didn't notice absolutely anything and later at night he threw up in his bed and shitted his pants. It was schoolday at the morning and somebody told his class teacher what was happened, and when he went to the school with horrible hungover teacher teased him in front of whole class: "Oh, you're looking so pale, DON'T YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE TURD ON YOUR PANTS?"
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2005
  4. benjers

    benjers Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    hahaha omg lmfao that laxative one is classic!!! (dumb and dumber!)

    best trick i ever played, hmmmm tough one!

    well in my school we had a teacher called mrs grylls. she was just one of those teachers with mug written across her forhead. So, anyway she'd spent the whole afternoon slatin me about my bloody technology marks. so one day after class, we took her keys told her there was a mess in the stock cupboard and she onli boodi believed it!! we locked her in and left! anyway the caretaker comes back about four hours after (or so we heard) and although we got suspended, the 4 of us, for 3 days each, the amount of fun it was it was sooooo worth it so see the look on her face!
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    far too many to think of right now.
    one i can think of is back in the late 80's we'd just finished a 12hour night shift. one of the guys (who had about a 40minute drive) had sat down waiting for someone. he sat there next to one of the office wall clocks with his bag or briefcase and fell asleep after a couple minutes of waiting. So one of us changed the time on the clock to some stupid time or other. boy did he have a fright when he woke, he thought it was time to come back in.

    edit- it was hilarious at the time, (still is to me) but doesn't sound that funny written down i guess

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2005
  6. gozilla

    gozilla Regular member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    i guess it's just one of those cases of where
    "i guess you just had to be there"

    i idea behind is funny, and i can just imagen the look of horror, fear and dread on his face. :p
  7. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    been a while since anyone has visited this thread..... so here is mine.
    i work in an automotive shop, one of the guys was off, so we greased all of his tool box drawers, the underside of it, not seen to the eye. he was pissed off at that. we also loaded the insides of each drawer with tampons, some with ketchup on them, others saoked it water (what a mess). we also put his tool box up on jack stands ! it may not sound funny to ones who dont work in that environment, but those who do will understand.............. Neph comes to mind !
  8. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    gear 79,

    I would have been pissed too. Just my bottom snap-on tool box cost $6500.

    This was an accident and not funny at the time but is now. When I was going to school at KSU, one of my room mates was into wacky tobacky and although I never was into it I would induldge on occasion. So anyway one friday night before a home football game he decided to make some hash brownies. His dad came from his home town for the game and we didn't know it but he found the brownies in the freezer before the game and ate one. While he was at the game he thought he was having a heart attack or stroke and they took him by ambulance to the emergency room. His dad was by no means a partier. We were in the student section and he was in general admission. My room mate met his dad at the hospital and when they ask what he'd eaten lately and he said a brownie my room mate had to fess up. Oh did he catch hell. Believe me it wasn't funny then but we all had a good laugh later.

    Last edited: Sep 16, 2005
  9. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    good thing is though mort, the grease wipes off. but we have done worse, and so has he. what comes around goes around.
  10. Rosco404

    Rosco404 Guest

    Well i have not played any pranks from what i can remember, but just last week my friend did to his brother...

    My friend bought a new digi camera from Tesco, when he was coming out the doors the alarms went off.. The security guard came over to him looked at what he had and seen his recipt etc, the guard seen from his recipt that he was Ok and let him go...

    When he opened his camera and was putting the batteries in the electonic security strip fell out...

    He then put it into the sole of his brothers shoe LOL!

    Next time when his brother walked into and out of Tesco he was searched all over by the security guards! LOL...

    Now his brother found out later after he had told him... So the next day he put it into the back of his work friends mobile phone behind the battery... LOL!
  11. Bubba1982

    Bubba1982 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    hehe, I am gonna get myself in trouble using this thread. I love pranks. especially with the guys at work.

    Ok, pranks I know of & pranks I have done.
    Well, my Mrs's uncle used Armorall on a guys sidewalls on the tyres of his harley. The bloke had no idea what had been done and at the first corner donw the road he managed to slide straight off the road. he was not impressed when they had to walk back and pick his bike up. hehehe

    P.S. for those of you who don't know what armorall is.... Go here.

    The same uncle has welded 2 towballs together on cars parked end to end. That was to get revenge, coz he went to walk past the cars and damn near snapped his shins on the tow balls.

    Hmmmm, I will add more when I remember.

    Oh yes, nearly forgot. a mate has grabed another mates phone and change the number for the blokes boss. he then went home and got another friend whom the phone owner did not know, to ring up(of course because of caller I.D he thought his boss was callin) and got him to go into work on his day off. hehe, when he got there all the staff laughed at him.
  12. RCCola

    RCCola Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    Hmmm, One good one is to take a phone - the old style phones, remove the ear peice and tape up the holes, then remove the mouth peice and add water so that it collects in the ear peice, place the mouth peice back on and place phone back on the reciver, wait tell that person is back at there desk and call that number - they put up and place to there ear, the water will come dripping out all over them - whoo hooo,

    ok one more phone trick, I did this to the NEW Chief Master Seargent for the squadron that had only been there 3 days and I found out that he was not into taking jokes very well. I put shoe polish on the mouth part of his phone then had someone call him while there was like 4-5 of us standing in his office talking to him - hehehe - he talked using one ear then switched ears - heheheheh - his entire chin and both cheeks were BLACK - LOLOLOL - man that was funny - was not so funny when we had his closed door get to know the new Chief talk..... RCCola, Toot Toot
  13. luvnrap

    luvnrap Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Here's is a good prank if your married or live with your sisters or any other girls. Take their blow dryer apart and put baby powder or flower in the blow dryer and then when they go to turn it o it goes everywhere. I did it to my girlfriend once and it was hilarious, although she was pissed at the end of it all she thought it was funny too.
  14. Bubba1982

    Bubba1982 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    hehe, I was so busy telling the pranks of the uncle-in-law that I forgot about my ones.

    First one is a harmless one that always gets a laugh. Get a work mates phone and use clear sticky tape on it to stick the handset down onto the base then go grab ya mobile and call his number & watch him put the entire phone with base to his ear or mess about frantically trying to shake the reciever free of the base.

    I love this next one.

    If you have access to a co-workers office when he aint there, go and tie pieces of cotton or fishing line to everything on his desk and make the cotton go over the back of the desk. push his chair in and tie all the pieces of cotton to the chairleg. Now stand back & watch when he pulls the chair out & all his stuff goes flying of the back of the desk :)
  15. thecraigc

    thecraigc Regular member

    Mar 10, 2005
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    the best prank i've done was so funny, it was when i started high school, the whole class threw a bit of rubber (eraser) at the french teacher and shouted meow (like a cat) and when she turned around every1 would hide their rubbers and continue doing their work, and this carried on for the full period.

    also in my friends english class (the teacher is a total bam-up) when every1 went in they turned their chairs around to face the back of the class and all sat down, then the teacher gave them all punishment ecercises.

    i've still to do the best 1 of all time, get a exaust whistle (fits on the cars exaust nicely to make a high pitch whisteing noise) put it on my moms car coz she leaves for work at 7:30am every day, and she would not a clue to what it would be.

  16. romero

    romero Regular member

    Mar 29, 2003
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    When my father was young he had a school teacher who used to wear slippers at work. Usually they were front of the class door, and when teaches came to class he left his shoes outside and kinda kicked slippers on his feets without stopping walking. One day my father and his friends nailed slippers on the floor...

    They also collected reindeer's poops, put them in the liquorice candy box and offered to younger boys XD
  17. gear79

    gear79 Guest

    wheni was younger, my mom would piss me off for some reason or another, i had put liquid hand soap on her toothbrush, boy did i get the ass whoopin of my life that night !!
    another time, she got me mad for something, can't remember what, but i had switched out the sugar dispenser for salt, when she went to put it in her cereal, pretty much threw up on the spot........ yup, you guessed it, another ass whoopin, plus grounded for a week.
    but now i am older, i have appologized and admitted my doings.
    now, we pick on one guy at work, 2 days ago, in his tool box, we switched out all his drawers. (they are all identical) so when he went to go for one specific drawer, all the tools were different. luckily, its an easy swap out, so he was'nt too mad.

    but my all time favorite, you know that bubble wrap that comes in packages, well, the big bubbles. roll it up into a tight roll and tape together, we place it behind wheels of a car in the shop and when someone backs up, it pops loudly and sounds like a machine gun, they slam on the brakes and look around, all they see is us laughing our asses off.. guess you need to be there to see/hear it, but it's sure funny.
  18. Daniel_G

    Daniel_G Guest

  19. xboxdevil

    xboxdevil Guest

    havnt done anything as bad as most of you guys.we did put ajax in the teachers noodles in home ect back in high school. replaced the phone reciever with a banana and mum answered the phone and was talking into a banana looked funny at the m8s found another students car keys and went joy riding for 2hours came back and the wheels were bold and nearly hanging off.i gave a girl a bong of dryed grass she coughed her guts up.i cut the top off my m8s beer bottle and placed it on the table very carefully.he picked up his beer and the top of the bottle fell off.he just looked at and didnt know what to say.

    DMROOLZ Member

    Jul 30, 2005
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    I remember one time on a band trip, me and 3 other guys had to share a suite room in a hotel on the beach. i was sleeping on the hide-a-bed and one of my friends went outside to wake up (cold, salty air). when he came back in, i woke up, but i didn't move, i kept faking sleep. that friend went up to me and was going to spray me with some body spray but right before he did i ripped one right in his face! OMFGLMAO!!! i got sprayed anyway but it was worth it to see him taken bak like that. It was hilarious! (BTW< i was sleeping face-up with my knees propped up, like i was laying on the floor)

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