Pre-Order the DSi in Canada.

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by cturtle, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

    Has anyone heard of any way to pre-order the DSi in Canada? has it, but won't ship to Canada apparently, but says it's unavailable. Does this mean Canada will have a later release date? (I really hope not!)
  2. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

  3. inagasake

    inagasake Member

    Feb 21, 2008
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    $200 CDN is the most expensive launch price I've ever seen for a Nintendo handheld. That is going to effect their success. In my opinion, I think the DS Lite is still going to go strong. Kids are Nintendo's main demographic and how many parents are going to buy their kids a DSi for $200 when they already own a DS Lite? Especially not in this economy. I know Wii is $280 CDN but that is a home gaming console and has its own line of exclusive games. DSi is a handheld and is more of a DS1.5 instead of a DS2. Aside from the small DSiware games and apps they have online, there's no real reason to upgrade. It's multimedia capabilities are primitive and worse than what you get from a flash cart. Its primitive 3 MP camera is not much of an incentive either. I think Nintendo will quickly abandon DSi for a DS2 in a year or so. Nintendo is making a mistake trying to branch away from the gaming-only market into multimedia when Sony's PSP offers a superior multimedia experience to the DSi.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  4. cturtle

    cturtle Guest

    I don't know, the DS Lite is still going for $140 new most places. While the improvements are minor, I think there are enough of them to warrant dropping the extra 60 bucks. I guess maybe it's not worth it to upgrade if you've already got one, but my touch screen isn't a touch screen anymore, which pretty much makes most of my games useless. :p

    Considering it leaves the PSP in it's dust, I think it's worth the $200. :)

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