after you get the Pre-Modified Xecuter 3 CE Xbox Console with Control Panel Installed one. What in the hell do you do after that. step-by-step would you help me out. from the beggining. I don't have dothalo or any folders that you have been talking about i am a super noob at this and i really need some help.
when u first get ur box back u will have the chip installed and the lcd, usb, great. anways u will first want to flash the chip with a bios that can be found on the Xbins server. I'm not going to go through how to do that because there are loads of tutorials all over this forum. Anyways if u check out the site they will say the most recent bios i belive it is 3294?? but double check. alright then I should also mention that this mod is pretty much worthless unless u can get the xbox hooked up to ur network and be able to use the file transfer protocol cleint over ur network (in noob terms FTP over ur network) Actually now that I think about it there are other ways but try doing the HTTP first and if u can't we will go the CD rout. So once u have ur box hooked up to ur network and u don't have a strict firewall there are a number of ways u can flash the chip I suggest the Http flashing method. In other words bring internet explorer, safari, firefox, etc. and type in the following standard IP adress into the site adress bar: It will bring up a screen about the xecuter 3 and flashing it, But DON'T touch anything yet. Now that u are logged on u must first turn off the flash protect (the big switch on ur pro switch) it will turn red. Then while looking at the cromwell bios on screen (make sure u booted ur box with chip on) u will see a optioon for flash chip. U want to navigate to the flash Via HTTP sceen and it will either give u an ip adrees to put it or just put in the one mentioned above. Alright next want to select the 1MB bank for flashing and in order to do this u must press the 1=on 2=on 3=off basically bush the 1 and 2 buttons and leave the 3 and 4 alone. This insure that u will flash to the 1MB Bank. Now say for instance I am wrong and there is another BIOS out and u do get it find out the file size and then tell me what size it is and I will tell u which switches to press. Now lets just assume that it is 3294 so get set up to the flash by HTTP screen and u have the banks selected, and flash protect is off, and u are logged onto the propper IP in ur HTTP browser and u see a lik for upload....first u must find the 3294.bin file I belive me or ?????.bin should be recognizable after all u got it off xbins. Anyways navigate and select that file and then press won't take long and after it says complete it will power off and if it doesn't power it off then back on again and if done correctly u should have booted to a dash that is new. Now once at this dash u must first go to X3 then customize x3 bios then disable Autostart x3 config live. Now when ever u boot up the box it will bring u to this screen. Alright I would suggest u do this first and then we can talk about other stuff later If u have any questions on this post again.