Hi Whats the best printer (not necessarily the dearest) for printing on printanle discs please.Whats everyone using? Thanks John
Hi Johnytuon. I and a lot of other people on afterdawn use the epson r200, Ihave had this printer for about 6 months now and it is excellent quality when printing on discs or paper,I have even found all 6 compatible cartridges for as little as £5. As for printable media i have never had a problem with any printable media,I usually go for ritek printables. Hope this helps.
Hi thanks for the replys Im thinking of the Epson r340 £110 in p and p...doesnt seem bad. Anyone had any issies with printable media? Thanks John
i have the R340 and it works flawlessly... no problems with the media either... granted i use 'quality' media to print on... verbatim inkjet printables, ritek G05 full hub printables.. there are others, but thats all i use cuz it works for me.
i like the green one ireland !! and i guess all that art school paid off... my dvd's have never looked better... guess i wasted all that money on my epson !!
Johnytuon, Using Epson r220 and prints ok with cheap cartridges from supermediastore Didn't even try the original Epson ink, just too expensive at about $13 a cartridge. ricky91, you didn't hear well... ireland, those do wonders on my verbatim dl disks
try this place on ink.... Discount Ink Cartridges – Buy Affordable Printer Ink Cartridges, Toner Cartridges and Printer Supplies Online http://megatoners.com/index.html
i too am cosidering the epson printer but before i took the plunge any idea how many discs on average i can print in full colour assuming the printer is solely used for printing on discs! Any views on the canon i865? Read it was supposed to be cheaper to run than an epson and the print quality is meant to be better to! Oh and obviously i wouldn't be using orignal cartridges in the printers........
My R300 has never let me down. So far all of my printing (printable media "YUDEN000T02 and Maxell002") looks nearly 99% professionally.
i have printed over 30 disks and about 40 or so dvd covers and my black ink on the epson (still original cartridges) is about 25% left.. they have good deals on epson ink at abacus 24-7.com.. all 6 for under 18 bucks... shipped !
@gear79 I need to order some real soon, maybe in a few more days. My R300 is running low on three of them colors (cyan, magenta and yellow).
not that you don't already know alkohol, but for the ones who don't.... here is good deals for ink... for most ALL printers ! http://www.abacus24-7.com/home.aspx?affiliateid=10217 and http://www.private.abacus24-7.com/home.aspx? (this one is cheaper for some reason)
Hi Just did my first cd label using my r340....touch dry in minutes (was mostly black too) with no smear and looks the dogs bollox John
Here's a thread with about 200+ opinions on this subject ! http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/241802
Have had an Epson R300 for 18 months and hundreds of disks. Only problem is disk feeding tray gets hung up a start of cycle. Epson sent a new one while under waranty, but the clear feeding tabs on the end failed again requiring a little push at the right moment to get the tray to start feeding in. Got a factory service (cleaning) and tech said that is THE design flaw. Called Epson, by now out of warranty. Short story - at $50 - 70 on rebate or markdown the R200 is disposable. I've kept my R300 going with a little push to start feeding tray,eventually ripped off the plastic tabs. It still works fine, prints great. Wouldn't get the units with the LCD screen in the future unless using it alot without the computer - otherwise it adds nothing. For ink - the largest part of cost per disk, I've gone to tanks (hey, if the printer is disposable why worry about the heads) at www.printonit.com. Labels not even a consideration after destuction of many discs and players.