i have a hp c5280 u can print straight on the disk..ive read posts saying to set ur settings for like 22 for the inner and 117 for the outer i am using ty media hub printable...i cant find where to set this setting...any help?
I haven't heard much of that printer. The settings should be listed in your disc printing software. Example: Epson print cd,full hubs: Outer 120 mms,Inner 20 mms.Pretty much all my Full hubs are set that way-Maxell/Verbatim/Ty watershields. There should also be an alignment setting in case your covers are a hair too high/low/off to one side/etc.This will help center it up correctly.
It should be in your printer printing software, I also use the epson print cd software with my setting being 24 inner and 118 outer,works good on my epson r260 printer for single disk and 36 inner 118 outer for dl disc bean55