Hey people. I watched the first series of prison break and loved it. However i havent heard anything about series 2 since the end of the last episode in series 1. Anyone know when it starts again in the UK? I think it may have already started in US, not sure. I did a quick google but couldnt find anything.
Hi billybob, I love Prison Break aswell but I'm not sure when it's out over here in UK.But it is defienetely out in US and it is out until Seson 2 Episode 13 so far. They're on a break and they're oing to play it again on about January 22nd I think.I have to say the second season has been awesome so far,just the best.S omany twists and turns and you wouldn't have guessed what happened at the end of EPisode 13,I don't want to ruin it for you. Cheers Mate
Seriously i need to know when it starts again in the UK. Please help me ha ha ha im dying. Im trying to resist downloading them, it seems so tempting right now. MODS!!!!!!!!!!!: Please delete any posts containing spoilers please, id ont want to know what happanes in series 2, i just want to know when it starts. I just tried a google searchagain and it ended with some bumhole 5 year olds spamming a blog in caps with aload of info about the next series. Like i said, assholes.
If you're actually looking on google for "prison break series 2" then there's yer problem. Try typing "season" instead of "series".
No, more like you brits always talk of series, whereas the rest of the world knows the word seasons is more commonly used when it comes to tv series
Sorry....i meant no offence P.S i still cant find anything people why cant it be realeased at the same time. It would reduce piracy alot.
Google comes up with all kinds of info here, just not any starter dates for UK. But that's probably because the networks haven't bought the rights to it yet.
Channel 5, January 2007, no specific date. In Ireland they haven't started airing Season 2 yet on any network, but like all my TV shows I follow them via net because I just can't stand waiting months after U.S. premiere. For all who feel the need to bitch about piracy at me, I have a very large collection of DVDs that includes way too many TV box sets that I will most likely never watch again so I do my part ;-) lol
Dela.....thank you, i love you. I have just about resisted the temptation of following over the net, because mondays are boring as hell, and it ssomething to get me through my school week. Thanks very much for your help. Im guessing it will be advertised all over the tv when it will start thouggh?
hey ive watched the first 13 episodes of the second series by downloading them on isohunt.com but if u wish 2 see them on channel 5 Season 2 will start January 15th 2007 at 10pm on Five if u wish 2 see the proof this wil bring you to it........http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airdates_of_Prison_Break then go to the bottom of the page to the uk section and it tells you there ok?? see ya!!
Thanks mate. However, please edit ur post before u get banned. Downlaoding them off isohunt is illegal i think...torrentz etc. However, i caught up with them other ways.....downloaded them. couldnt wait.
They are fabulous, so many twists and terms. Use your innitative as to how i downloaded them, it wouldnt be good for the site if we were to discuss such methods, its a bit of a grey are i think, hey mods?
if any 1 wants 2 see the trailer of prison break and other stuff u can go 2 five.tv/prisonbreak....gudluk!
Dela got me hooked on Prison Break. When I found out S02E14 wasn't airing 'till the end of Jan, I was gutted.
^ Whats that? Season 2 Episode 14? If thats the case............ITS NOT AIRING UNTIL THE END OF JANRUARY?????????? WHAT!
That's right.. I watched all 35+ episodes thus far in like 1 month.. then I went to find the next one & found out it's not airing until the end of Jan 07. So if you haven't reached e13 yet, then watch slowly and not one after the other