I am using Mainconcept MPEG Encoder, and I am trying to convert my Simsons Season 1 avi files to mpeg for a dvd. The problem is...I dont think it will all fit on a dvd after the conversion to mpeg. The first episode of the simpsons is 104mb in AVI form...but when converted to MPEG 2 its 746MB!!!! Theres no way all 13 episodes will fit on a dvd. What should I do???
Welcome to our forum nickb818, Use 2 DVD's. It's a 1/2 hour show so 2 DVD's should be about right. I backup 13 1hour episodes (The Shield) and I use 4 DVD's. The same for Sex in the City (HBO). Enjoy Pete (Wish all Newbie questions were all that easy.)
You could use TMPGEnc to encode your Simpsons series instead. It's much better and easier to use. Also there you can limit your avi. Follow this guide. Also this guide is for like 1 movie, so you'll have to think a little yourself. Maybe you can use the batch conversion. Remember don't make one episode 97% of 4.7 GB make it really small. So when you convert 1 episode you will get and idea for the next episodes. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/convert_avi_to_dvd_page_4.cfm