problem copying black hawk down

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bertie37, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. bertie37

    bertie37 Guest

    this original disc will not copy to dvd-r.i have used nero, dvdx,roxio, clonedvd-anydvd,dvd shrink and dvd decrypter. all come up error.dvd decrypter coppied to hard drive, but would not write to disc.any other discs i back up are no problem. the following message
    comes up. dvdshrink encountered an error and cannot
    continue.failed to read file d invalid access to memory location. help from anyone would be lush. thank you
  2. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Sounds like a scratched disk or a bad one from the store.
  3. bertie37

    bertie37 Guest

    have tried two different discs from diff stores, but same result. thanks for your reply

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