Hello, all. I've been using the program with much success for all of my *.asf files. But, when I try to download the *.rm files, I am never able to. Here's one website, for example: http://www.columbia.edu/itc/history/marable/c1001/weeks/week11.html The song I'd like is "Little Child Running Wild" (under Multimedia). By simply highlighting the song and copying it to streambox vcr, I get this: http://kola.cc.columbia.edu:8080/ramgen/itcmedia/marable/little_child.rm However, when I put this into Steambox VCR, it won't let me download it. Says something like "Retry idle." Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? This happens almost every time I try to d/l an rm file. Thanks.
Ramgen redirector. http://kola.cc.columbia.edu:8080/ramgen/itcmedia/marable/little_child.rm view-source:redirector. view-source:http://kola.cc.columbia.edu:8080/ramgen/itcmedia/marable/little_child.rm Source code contains Stream URL. rtsp:// StreamBox VCR download problems or no video problems. http://p084.ezboard.com/fstreemeboxvcrfrm7.showMessage?topicID=4.topic StreamBox VCR has had many patches and updates. Make sure you have all the versions with all the current updates. Download and install. StreamBox VCR Suite 2.0 http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_capture_tools/streambox_vcr_suite.cfm This is especially important for downloading RTSP Protocol Real Media streams because this suite contains the 3.1 SMF+turbo and SMF+ versions needed to download from newer Real Servers.
Hey, Veblin. Thanks a lot for the advice. I get the Suite editiona and I'll go ahead and try to use it. One question, will it have the same protocol settings as the original Streambox VCR? Thanks.
See, I thought Streambox VCR 2.0 wouldn't do real-audio. I certainly had no luck when I tried it. When I used Streambox VCR 1.031 (i think that's the version), which was included in the Streambox 2 download, it worked fine. What's up with v2.0 and .rm files? -ethan
I'm able to download .rm files with the original Streambox VCR. I found a patch here on the site that lets me download .rm files. I'm not sure about this, but I think you probably just need to get that patch. It's specifically for downloading Helix streams. Hope that helps.
hello I am trying to download this stream http://archive.betalounge.com/ramgen/lounge/2004/040424_moved_de.rm but I got an idle thing while trying, I read the posts on this forum, and updated, but now I just get a small file, not the stream... thanks for your help
I can't download a rm movie. For example: rtsp://yocsob.com/movie/newyear2004/04ny1_bb.rm rtsp://yocsob.com/movie/newyear2004/04ny3_bb.rm what am i doing wrong???
Ohw i forgot. The original links are on the chinese site: http://www.yocsob.com/movie/index.html I need these movies for a presentation. Can anybody please help me........
As explained here. StreamBox VCR download problems or no video problems. http://p084.ezboard.com/fstreemeboxvcrfrm7.showMessage?topicID=4.topic Streaming media recording software list. http://p084.ezboard.com/fstreemeboxvcrfrm7.showMessage?topicID=1.topic Example using Net Transport. Change RTSP URL's to HTTP. http://yocsob.com/movie/newyear2004/04ny1_bb.rm http://yocsob.com/movie/newyear2004/04ny3_bb.rm Copy HTTP URL. Open Net Transport. Click New. HTTP URL should be in URL box. Click Other Settings... button (bottom right). On download tab change the User-Agent to RMA/1.0 (compatible; RealMedia) Click OK. Click OK. Download should start.