Hey, does anyone know why I get this message when I try to load a DS ROM? ignored NDS file is selected. The place to lauched is different from the last cursor position. Load launch data /moonshl2/LAUNCH.DAT. Launch data load from /moonshl2/LAUNCH.DA. Add Launch file. [CHECKD-1.NDS] Add Launch file. [IMAGEV-1.NDS] Add Launch file. [MORNIN-1.NDS] Launch edit: Add to stop Launch edit: Filescount set to 1. Launch edit: New item set to 0. Launch edit: end. Save launch data /MOONSHL2/LAUNCH.DAT Save launch data. 5148Byte. Close launch data. DataFullPathFilenameAlias= NDSFullPathFilenameAlias=/0589-A-1.NDS strpcm stopped strpcm stopped DSStack:1001 Pos:64, Used:3460, Total:12580. DSStack:1000 Pos:88, Used: 96, Total:12580. Detected ROMID ARDP BootROM.cpp:196 Boot:ROM Execute: #10005: not support commercial: NDSROM file. Application Halted!! Please refer [/moonshl2/logbuf.txt] If so could you please tell me what I need to do as I'm getting really frustrated! Im using an R4 SDHC, bought from here - http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/aboute.asp, using this kernel - R4 English V1.08b, which works fine until I try to load a ROM. I'm also using a Kingston 4gb Micro SD. I've tried everythimg including formatting the Micro SD and using different ROMS. I've also tried to delete the logbuf.txt file but it's nowhere to be seen in either the /moonshl2 folder or anywhere else, it doesn't exist! Thanks.