Problem opening .ratDVD file

Discussion in 'ratDVD discussion, help and suggestions' started by merlin265, Feb 19, 2006.

  1. merlin265

    merlin265 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Hi everyone,

    I 've got a .ratDVD file and I installed the program to be able to open it using WinMP (I 've got WinMP 10). But when I do so WMP says:
    "Windows Media Player cannot access the file. The file might be in use, you might not have access to the computer where the file is stored, or your proxy settings might not be correct."
    More Information: "C00D11D2: Cannot access the file"
    I tried many times and I 'm sure the file isn't in use and also I do have access to my computer where the file is stored!
    When I try to open it in ratDVD itself I get this error message:
    "Invalid Archive footer.".
    I needed to split the file in parts in order to transfer it and then join the parts, but md5sum says it's the same file as the original.
    What's the problem? Is the file corrupted or the problem is in my system? What can I do? I don't want to give up as 1.2GB is too much and the movie worths. :)

    Thank you in advance!
  2. Galleon

    Galleon Guest

    Please, somebody kind enough to answer this question, please!

    I have the exact same error.

    What is happening?
  3. Galleon

    Galleon Guest

    Nobody interested in answer?

    Please, if the answer is in another thread, tell me so.

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