i am having problems with reading/downloading attachments in general, i ordered anydvd and clonedvd2 and can't download the programs. had tried the trial period and really liked what the program did. had ordered it from ebay from, with the first order kept getting the 21 day count down till it expired. then ordered it from the vendor, and it did not download like it should have, contacted them and at first they had no record of the purchase (after a couple of days of no response and no record on their end i canceled), then they sent the site to go to to download and i get nothing but messages that it cannot be opened. i then ordered another anydvd & clone from the ebay. i have had the seller send it a couple of times and everytime you can tell that there is an attachment but i am unable to open it (when you go to click on it the words are very faint - meaning no go). the seller is not sure what is wrong or what to do. HELP!!!
Are you using outlook express? If so, go to tools menu, options, then security and take the tick out of the box that says do not allow attachments to be saved or opened. Close and re-open. Hope it helps. Cheers.
thanks for the help !!! it kind of did what it needed to. at least now when i click on the attachment it comes up it dark print. i'm back to square one that when i go to open it i get the message "works cannot open c:\(etc - my words) clonedvd2\anydvd\setup any dvd_4572.exc the file may be in use" what can i do to get it open????