i have just purchased an xbox from Game Stop. I attempted to softmod by running the games save files on splinter cell all went well untill i got to the part to install Ndure Krayzies nfpatcher Everytime i try to install in it says action rename. I created a profile on Halo 2 however i have never connected to xbox live and wonder if i have to register it or not? Im lost need to know what i did wrong because i cant get it to work. Please help
oh ic see what u mean,if have installed a softmod once you have to delete the old backup file or it cant make a new one i dont know if this is ur prob but it sounds like it
do u mean remove eeprom backup b/c ive done that and it doesnt do shit or is there something i am doing wrong
there is a part in harddisk settings where it says teset and cancel changes could i do this and would it remove the softmod data from my hard drive and allow the xbox dashboard to work properly again thanks for the help!
im not sure, but do you have a backup folder in ur e:\ check if u do then delete the whole folder not just the contense i would recommend backing it up first just incase
its not that important to back up just softmod it again the softmod should make u bake it up on ur xbox
The nkpatchers won't work until you create a back up of your C:/ with the softmod installer. As I recall, krayzie designed it so that you can't soft mod it unless you do things in a specific order. Ideally, a back up of your C:\ would be made with shadow c maker and placed on E:\ somewhere. Afterwards, you can install the actual soft mod. At least, that's how I remember reading it anyway.
ya it said u have to backup the eeprom first i did that and then proceeded to install the nkpatcher and it says action rename i read another forum that said that my dashboard isnt updated to 5960 its only 58xx i dk any help
Oh, so that's the problem. Original link - http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/softmod-tutorials/5484-microsoft-dashboard-details-softmodding.html How to Update your Dash 1. Find a game, anything from Halo 2 until now, and put it in. 2. Make sure your Xbox is not linked to your network (remove your network cable from the back of the Xbox if you have one) 3. When the main menu loads, scroll down to XBOX LIVE, click it. 4. This will take you to your MS dash and update it for you.
i have created a profile already i did that but my network cable was plugged in so i guess ill try it out thanx a lot
alright i created a new profile on halo 2 w/o the network cable being plugged in started a new campaign just to mess around then i quit it went back to the krazie ndure install dashboard backuped eeprom then i went to install nfpatcher.67 and im still getting the action rename error
Based on your description, it sounds like you didn't even select Xbox Live, even after playing Halo 2 for a bit... You need to update the dashboard. Just playing Halo 2 isn't going to do it. You have to select Xbox Live and force it into updating it...