Thanks for everyone's help but I was let go today to no avail. For almost a month now I have been working for a local newspaper company. I have had some issues with a fellow employee "Jeff". On Sunday night he waited for me to get off in the parking lot and verbally threatned me with violence. My manger seen him leaving but did not hear any of the conversation. I noted what happened and called the supervisor. Today was our first day back together and the supervisor was waiting she too my 'signed' description of what happened. And asked some basic questions about what had occured. After talking to me she then asked 'Jeff' to come in while I left, When I had last spoken to my manager about what had occured, on sunday night he assured me then my job was NOT in jeapordy. But Jeff denied all the accusations and when I was called back into the office it my statments were treated as here-say, After invasting that they couldnt decide who was right and wrong beacuse no one else 'heard' the conversation. When asked how i felt I said I dont feel comfortable bieng alone with him anymore due to the threat. (Which the supervisor said had no credibiltity) evjn though we had a prior argument on the job the same day. The supervisor also said that maybe this wasnt the right line of work for me because it is so 'loosely' structured environment. So needless to say I was sent home and told the supervisor would call me tomorrow to see if I could work with him, If not then I would have to re-sign, I also am still under my probation period so she could decide to just let me go, The problem is I like the job, My manager stated my work as birng 'above re-proach'. And I really need the money. But im tired of biend pushed around and worried about more threats or harrasment when we are alone together. My supervisor is going to call me sometime today to discuss where we are to go from here. I really want/need to keep my job, But I dont feel comfortable bieng alone with him, Since the last incident was not credible. My questions are as follows. 1) What would you do in this situation ? (Remember I have 2 kids and I need this job). 2) How can I protect myself in the future considering what has already happened if I am agin confronted by "Jeff" alone. Fighting is NOT an option as I will not resort to violence. Thank you for reading this and any comments. My supervisor should be calling me around NOON EST. Or about 7-8 hours from now.
well since fighting is not an option, maybe get someone to do it for you. if it were me, i'd act like everything was fine and try to get along then i'd follow the dude out to his car and crack him over the head with a bat. did you do something to piss the guy off or is he just being an bumhole? go hire a big biker guy to come over and scare the crap out of him. and if your choice is really not to resort to violence, maybe you just need to find a different job. or bug the guy until he takes a swing at you in front of someone so they see it. i still say just kick the shit out of him and be done with it.
Maybe you could find the root of your and "jeffs" problem and resolve it . After doing so you could explain to your sup that you and jeff have resolved your differences. This will make you the Bigger person. If you cannont resolve your differences you could always file harrasment charges with your local police department. Or you could go above your supervisor to the Human Relations department and explain what has happen and explain that your supervisor is not taking proper action. If none of this is an option go to others in your workplace and see if anyone else has a problem with Jeff that will back you; the more people you have on your side the harder it will be to ignore. If all fails then you are going to have to "nut up" and wait for everything to cool down. Q. Where do you work? Q. What did you do to Jeff? Q Is he bigger than you?
I work for my local newspaper company as a product coodinator. The manager said before I had nothing to worry about, But was uopset that I called the supervisor. According they sided that there was no proof anything had occured, And the other infractions jeff had were not related to this And none of my concern. What cause the problem was when I showed him that he was doing about 25% of the work I was doing. (Everything going in and out has to be signed by an employee). I merely asked him to help out more. He told me that I was wrong then and there, I told him I was tired of running circles around him. Which I am getting repreminaded before because I lost my temper and had no right to tell Jeff anything about his lack of performance. Even before tonight my manager agreed with me about his performance, But tonight I was told to mind me own buisness that other peoples work is not my concern. And as far as fighting I dont want to go to jail, If I did I couldnt get out and I have no one to take my kids after school. Thanks for everyones advice.
I think, keeping your family in mind, that now is a great time to "put your head down and work". Not saying that you are giving up but with the heat maybe now is a good time to just lay low and work. Work Hard and show your manager and your supervisors that you won't let this get in the way of you getting the job done. Show them how hard you do work and maybe, now that I think about it, this is the best time to work at your best because there is going to be a lot of attention on you. Keep a Positive Attitude and your chin up. Things will go your way if you do things right. Good Luck
iam sitting here laughing my ass off LMAO !!!!!!!! i agree, kick his ass when noone is around and its here say like when he told you off
well hell man, if someone met me in the parking lot after work and threatened me with violence it would definately be on right then and there. and then the next day i'd try to make friends and invite him over for dinner, then cut him into little bits and bury him in my crawlspace. but hey, i dont handle confrontation well.
Don't get me wrong I'd do the same...without the cutting into bits thing, I prefer to feed my victims to the pigs but thats just me. Then again I don't have two kids to worry about taking to soccar practice when my happy ass is in jail.
You know, Jizmak, if this all goes bad for you (I hope not) maybe you could frame him for something. After the heat dies down a bit so the finger isn't pointed right at you, you could do something sinister to get back at him. Start small, watch him, learn his movements, study his habit, get him back Chuck Norris style. Black masks and gasoline anyone?
That sounds much better to me than the gasoline idea. I will try to work this out. I will update this thread later on after I talk with my super. Thanks again for all the input.
if you get fired that could be considered unfair dismissal.have you tryed slip the old gram or 2 of heroin in his car ,coat pocket or briefcase and report him to the cops for heroin trafficing.might some potheads a bag and send them to teach him a lesson???.another good any big uncles,brother that could have a quiet work with him at gunpoint or knife point.send a 9YO to stab him anyone under the age of 10 can't be prosicuted by the law as they dont know the difference between right and wrong.sort it out the old fashion way get him drunk and ask him what his problem is.
Jizmak If the big picture here is a possibility that you will lose your job then you need to do this ASAP! I would first apologize to Jeff, yes apologize for getting on his case in the first place using what ever reason you can think of such as pressure at home, etc., then I would [bold]Immediately[/bold] call your manage, (before she calls you and says GOOD BYE,) and explain that by confronting Jeff about his work YOU caused the friction, bottom line, YOU WERE WRONG! Let me explain... You are not his boss, and you can never ever change the way people work based on their work ethics speed or ability. He can be the biggest pain in the butt, the slowest producer, and that hardest person to get along with, (welcome to the real world.) Not everyone will be as proficient as you and you can't expect that of other people. You can OFFER to help show them a better way, but don't try to shove it down their throat and expect them to like it. You need to realize that before you lose that job. As far as fighting, been there, done that for much of my younger life and sooner or later you’ll realize that no one wins a fight, even if you come out of it without a scratch which is highly unlikely. Even then you lost because you lowered yourself to use brawn instead of brains. Brains say; win the war not the battle and try my suggestion! Your kids are the most important, not Jeff!
Hello mate, sorry to hear what happened to you. Sometimes life can be a b@tch with people. Can you handle him? If you can, just fu@$ing do him! Pay him with the same currency! If you can't, then wind him up. And above all, work hard. I'll explain: Prove to your manager that you are a good worker. Make your mind determined to be the best worker in that shop. Be determined. You ARE the best worker in that place. You will have not only to convince them, but yourself as well. Pay attention to detail. Smoke 'em! If that c@nt is annoying you with threats, just laugh in his face. Counter whatever he says with a joke, make everyone laugh out of him, one day he will slip. He will threat you in front of others. As long as don't let him get to you, you're home. Ignore him with a huge laugh! When he slips, go for the jugular, hit him with everything you can. Nowadays, i let no one make a fool out of me. I have enough self-confidence to counter any bollox some kid throw at me at work. Jizmak, violence isn't a solution, no, i don't know about the others here in the thread,(i would say they agree with me on this one tough). Like you i also have kids and since my divorce i need my job more than ever. But mate... If some c@nt threatned me, one of us would get knocked out! If i had to loose my job on it, i would! You know why? Because to me, nothing, but nothing is more important than your very own self respect. Without it, how can you expect to raise your kids? That is the most important thing you have. Don't let some tw@t bully you! Stand up for yourself. Or you will end your days working in some dodgy dead end job, with people walking all over you for the rest of your life...
@jizmak i kmnow a few people who have had troubles at work and had to resign but they have always got good references of their bosses and usually refered to another job within a month.sometimes the boss will even ring a mate and hook them up with similar type work.what im trying to say is why not ask your boss if you can be transferred to another building or workplace.or you can use my other ideas in the other post for a bit more fun.
She finally called me around 5pm or so today. She said that we need to have a meeting tomorrow. I explained to her that I was sorry (and part of the problem) And that I would try to be positive and help to make it better. She said I still couldnt work until we have a meeting. Personally I think she wants to meet me off work to get my keys and such but well see what happens. Another day no work and if my huntch is true, I may not be employed there anymore. I will post on the thread tomorrow after our meeting tomorrow night. Thanks again =) And Ted I didnt see it then, But you hit it right on the money. Either way 'Jeff' wont walk all over me anymore, Whether Im there or not we will have to wait and see.
I would say drag him outside and kick his ass, but you got a family. From where I come from, you would be able to do that with no consequences whatsoever(good 'ol Europe) It is truly sad that nice guys finish last and jackasses like Jeff get in peoples way. This is America and you can't really fight back without spending loads of cash. Jeff probably has the advantage since you only have been working there for a month. I say good luck to you man and I hope Jeff looses a tire or two while driving home from work.
Jizmak You know I wish you and your family only the best and hope that the outcome is positive. If she does ask for the keys try to be positive, (don't burn any bridges,) and even swallow that pride and say thanks for the opportunity. You can take what you've learned and turn it into an even better position at your next job. We all want to say FY and walk away, but it will always bite you in the butt when you need that referral. When you own your own paper and "she" needs a job, you'll be able to return "that" favor!
If you live in the US and your company is of reasonable size (50 employees or more I believe is required) they are obligated to have an EEOC specialist and everything said between the two of you MUST remain confidential. It is his or her job to try to resolve the issue with the company supervisors or a complaint is filed. This step is important but once a complaint is filed, supervisors have to watch their every move. This is not some sort of "union" thing; it is required by law for every company over a certain size. A lot of people aren't aware that this exists. Ask your HR folks who the EEOC representative is and even that question might put them on guard as to what they do next.