I put my spare maxtor hard drive into my mom's dell computer just to see if it would recognize it and if it works. I turned on computer and it found it and I was able to access it. Now I was going to put it into my computer. I hooked it up and made sure it was set as slave. Turned on computer and when the xp logo came up, the blue bars froze(ones that run across). I restarted computer and loaded just fine. Went to My Computer and it appeared. I put a file on it just to see if it works and it did. I turned it off and carryed my computer into my room and plugged in all the cords into the back of it. Turned on computer and went to bios and I could see the maxtor hard drive. So, when the xp logo appeared and blue bars, they froze. Restarted and it said "Windows didn't have a successful start up...." I chose start windows from last good configuration. Froze again, so restarted and chose load normally. Froze Again. I restarted again a couple of times and each time, it freezes at the xp logo part (the blue bars run across for a few seconds and then freeze) Does anyone know what's going on???
I turned off my computer and came back about an hour and a half later and turned it on. It booted up just fine and the hard drive is there. I don't know why it was doing that. I just hope this problem doesn't happen again.
I found that if I unplug my dvd burner and cd burner while having my other dvd burner plugged in, it will boot up fine. If I have all three hooked up, then my computer freezes at the xp logo. Now, could this be due to my psu not having enough watts? My current one is 420 watts.
420 should be enough but run this program & add 30% to the total. what drives are on what cables & what are their jumper configuration. http://www.jscustompcs.com/power_supply/Power_Supply_Calculator.php?cmd=INTEL
just to toss it out there, maybe you're maxing out your motherboard's capabilities somehow. this is just my little shot in teh dark, but i'd say a bios update wouldn't hurt.
I did the wattage calculator and was good enough. Here is a pic of my drives that are hooked up as of right now: Here is my jumper settings, I only have one and it shows two so that could be the problem: My maxtor drive is a DiamondMax Plus 8 (model# 6E040L0) and here's a link to the jumper settings for it: http://www.maxtor.com/_files/maxtor/en_us/documentation/jumper_settings/style_b.htm
if the wd was the only drive on that cable before putting on the maxtor, did you re-jumper the wd to master from single???
I hooked up the other dvd burner and set the WD to "Master with Slave Present" and froze at same spot. I switched it to "Single or Master" and it froze again at the same spot.
what happens in safe mode?? you tried with a burner set as slave to the wd as master & still locked up, correct?? how about the wd set as master to the cd burner as slave on ide1 & on ide2 put 2nd hd as master & dvd burner as slave
When trying safe mode, while it's loading the long list of drivers, I think that's what those are, it freezes. I had the WD as master and the maxtor as slave and dvd burner 1 as primary and burner 2 as slave, sorry about the confusion. I did exactly as you said but instead of cd burner, I used dvd burner because connectors can't reach it due to placement of it, I'll have to move it one of these days. When I did this, the dvd burner and maxtor didn't show up at all in bios or device mananger but computer loaded fine. So, I unplugged dvd burner which was slave to maxtor and loaded fine and saw the hard drive. I guess for now I can deal with that dvd burner, I rarely use the cd burner and other dvd burner. Anything else you can think of to try???
can you try other ide cables & are you certain the drives are set as master & slave not cable select or all slaves or masters
Yeah I have other ones I can try but I'll try it tomorrow. I'm pretty positive that I have them set correctly.