Hello everyone, I'm having a problem with my Dell Dimension 4700 and my two SONY DVD drives. One is a Sony DRU-810 A DVD-RW and the other is a Sony DDU1615 DVD-ROM. On both drives, audio playback on CD's and DVD's is choppy and sounds like it might even be slower than the original recording. Dell is no help. I'm hoping you guys might be able to diagnose this one and get me listening instead of tearing my hair out. I don't have much hair left.
Is this a problem with discs that you have recorded and/or purchased? If it's one's that you've recorded, please post your firmware version of the burner, the burning program used and the media information.
These are purchased discs...one audio disc and one DVD This crazy computer now plays audio with a dvd, but both are distorted and jumpy. And now, it plays NO audio with cd's or media files on my system. BUT, it still plays windows system sounds just fine. Go figure. Dell says I need a new motherboard because the integrated audio card (SoundMax) has gone out. I'm under warranty, so I think I'm going to tell them to go ahead and send me one.
Warranty was 90 days only, and it expired about 9 months ago. These computers were purchased with insurance money to replace two that were damaged by lightning, so they went with the cheapest warranty to keep the cost down. Oops. I'm waiting now on new parts to come in - I've ordered a new DVD-ROM drive and a USB External Sound card. In the mean time, I've disabled the onboard sound and removed the bad drive. For those who have forgotten what it's like, turn your sound card off some time and listen to your computer beep at you from the system speaker...it's really cute and makes you want to go out and blow something up.