PROBLEM WITH BENQ 16 x dual layer writer

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by marma1979, Mar 11, 2006.

  1. marma1979

    marma1979 Guest

    I have a serious problem that i cant find out. I have a p4 2,53 Ghz fujitsu siemens computer.

    I got a recovery disc with my computer. When i use my recovery disc witch contains xp home edition, it contains the standard "setup" of my computer.
    There was an philips 2,4 x burner in my pc when i bought it new.

    Now when i bought my new benq writer, it writes as slow or even slower than my old philips writer.

    I have checked DMA, BIOS and i have formated my hd and installed my recovery disc, and i still have the same problem.
    I have also tried reg cleaner.
    What is strange is when i tried a cracked xp version it burns as its ment too do at 16 x on dvd media.

    I want to use my one licensed version of xp. How can i solve this problem ???

    I have also talked with the nero tech team, but i didnt get any good out of that.


    I think its some problem in the reg or some old drivers some place.
  2. sd72667

    sd72667 Regular member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    If you have a Home XP disc, format the drive and install XP.
    If you are not familiar with computers, have a local computer shop(not BestBuy) do it. Should solve the problem.
  3. marma1979

    marma1979 Guest

    i know a lot about pc, but the recovery disc contains all drivers and setup like it was when it was new. I dont have a "clean" xp version. Like i said, i have tried with a "cracked" XP version, and then everything goes well.
    The problem is that i want to use my recovery disc XP version, witch i have i licence to.

    I just want to figure out where the old dvd writer causes problems. I think it must be some reg conflicts or some drivers witch i cant find.

    hmmm..... this getting stranger and stranger
  4. sd72667

    sd72667 Regular member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    Go to the maker of your computer's website and download the drivers.
    Burn them on a cd. Usually when you install XP, most of the drivers are installed, especially if your XP cd has SP2 built in already.
    If not, you can install them from your driver cd that you burned.

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