Hi, I was wondering if I might be doing somthing wrong, Before I converted my video files they had no pixelation, after the converting they have pixilation. What did i do wrong?
Hi, Pixalation can be cause by low quality input file, also be caused by using low quality media and/or burned too fast. If you play the output (VIDEO_TS) on your PC (PowerDVD, WinDVD etc..) is it pixalated ? What is the media ID of your disks ? What speed do you burn at ? Provide us a [bold]full conversion/burn log[/bold] and we can try and see what is going on !
Well, I CONVERTED the files, and compiled a dvd in dvdlab with them, burned the compilation to the hd and when i previewed it all of the episodes were pixelated, yet before i converted the avi files they had no pixelation. The only way around this i found was converting each file at a time, which is rediculous.
Hi there, When you say "The Files" how big are they, and how much did you convert in one shot ? Using good quality input files, you can add 2 or 3 .AVI files and the quality is still pretty good.
I converted a whole seasons worth of 42 minute episodes, I didnt know there was a limit. Also, one of the files audio is in sync before conversion, and afterwards it isnt, what causes this
Hi there, How many episodes is that ? I would not put more than 6 hours MAX on 1 DVD5 since quality will really suffer. I haver crossed the 3 hours so no idea what it would look like. In the ConvertXtoDVD log, this file that is out of sync, does it have an MP3 vbr audio stream ? I just read this in an other forum, maybe it will help you: Not sure if it's good JUST to join, or can fix the audio sync issue. An other tools to see if you have a delay in an .avi for example is AviMux-GUI http://www.cdr-zone.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4588 Good Luck !
Hi there, It worked ? Cool I just downloaded it myself. What are the steps you used, so I can tell others. Load .AVI file (In the setting use "Direct Stream Copy") Just re-save it to a new .AVI ?
Well.. After you convert whatever avi file you choose through convertxdvd, you can see which files are out of sync or not. Delete those, load the original avi file into that prog you told me to get, let it do its thing, save as a new file, and then use convertx2dvd, your good as gold after that.