Hi i was wondering if anyone could help me i am new to this and i was wondering if you could help me i have a nintendo ds and i have been downloading games to my f-card and they have all been working fine but all of a sudden i downloaded 1 game and i put it on the the card like the others and all of a sudden they wont work it comes up with a save backup,save writing and then File write error! they all of the games come up with that message they where all working fine until i downloaded this 1 game and now all of a sudden this it the only game that work on my card any idea how to solve this problem hear from you soon cheers Razadaz. ps can you completly format a card and start from scratch the reason i ask is because the game i downloaded even through i deleted of the card and try to download another for some strange reason some of the sav files come back on the card and they wont go away any good ds system to download for the main menu page.
Yeah you can start from scratch , just reformat the sd card and copy the firmware back onto it. On topic to the problem, are you sure there's enough space left on the sd card for savegames? And the magically re-appearing save files are probably just because you keep trying the same game in different versions, and IIRC the savegames get created the second a game boots up.
I believe when u say F-Card you are talking about the Firecard which has built in memory I have these and have had no problems so far but am unsure what to do if the card needs wiping, formatting and the files copied back on. Can anyone advise? If not, I suppose I could upload the few files that come on a Firecard and share them for everyone. all the best