I have sweet november.. when I put it in my dvd disk drive nothing happens. It doesnt seem to even recognize that a dvd has been inserted. I have anydvd and clonedvd and it says no disk. When I put it in my dvd player it works perfectly. Would anyone know what the problem would be with the disk? Or how I could make a backup copy?
Hi, Try this 1)Clean the disc carefully with eye glass cleaner and a soft tissue 2)Try DVDFabHDDecrypter(free version) can get at dvdfab.com home page LR free stuff dbl click on next page down load newest version 3)Format outputted files from fab with DVD Shrink into either file format(burn with nero) or into iso format and burn with imgburn (get at imgburn.com--its free). I prefer to output to iso format and burn with imgburn. 4) Watch your backed up disk and enjoy. 5) BTW "Sweet November" came out in 2001 so no new protection encryptions sould have come out and bothered the disc. 6)Maybe your burner/drive is bad and needs replacing or it is a cd-rom only and not a dvd drive, then none of this will work, ie u need a dvd burner. Good luck