hi i have been using win avi to encode my avi files to dvd for some time now due to nero causing my video to jump slightly it started doing this when i installed nero7 and tried to create my own dvds with menu screens using nero vision once dvd is burnt it seems jump and when you preview the video before you burn it its jumpy there too i have done clean installs of my computer several times due to problems and thought this may fix it but never has when same file is converted using win avi its fine not eaven a bit jumpy but cant add several files including menus my pc has plenty of memory ect 2gb memory 3.45 mhz core duo processor im running vista but had same problem on xp wonderd if any one could help
mabautouk, Acquire DivFix here. Afterwards, try to repair the file prior to encoding, and see if it rids the problem.
hi thanks for info it has not fixed my problem tho its very strange as you watch film it pauses every 2 seconds or so for a second making it apear jumpy