I ripped a DVD using DVD decrypter, but when I try to burn the VOB files with Nero, the burn button is greyed out. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I thought I answered this once, but I don't see it so here goes. Are your files over 4.3, if so nero can't burn without re-authoring and/or compressing. If they are under 4.3, decrypter can burn your files. If you have nero ultra 6 you can use recode to re-author and/or compress and then burn in the same prog. If not you can use shrink(free) to reduce by above means and then burn with nero or decrypter.
rebbie! read the rules! You just double posted! You waited 1 hour before posting your question again! We are not at your beck and call and none of us get paid for this! You will get answered when someone gets to it. Now someone (namely me)has answered your question twice, not to mention had you read any of the threads you would have found the answer to your question anyway. READ THE RULES!