Ok, im sure this has gotta be a easy one... im just not catching it... I DVD Shrinked a movie... on hard drive, works great when played from hard drive. Then burned with new nero 30 day trial.. ... using Memorex dvd+RW .... winxp...hival dvd dual format 4x +- rw &+-r .. movie plays good in burner.. wont play in stand alon, or anyother computer dvd drive.... question is should i be using -rw's? and -r's? or may compatibility prob? newbie here... please help !!
1. If the other drives are LG DVDROMs, they wont read +R(W) discs. 2. This belongs in DVDR-land, not CDR-land.... *Shoom!* 3. As for your standalone, try the +R or -R (RW's have hit and miss compatibility)
Yeah, my reader is a lg brand. RW will work in a apex from walmart... and brand new playstation after i wrote this... sorry about the wrong thread... new to the forum and didn't realize. Anyway... going to get some -r's and give it a try. Thanks a lot