Problem with Phillips 642???

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by tsmay51, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. tsmay51

    tsmay51 Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    I have been reading about the Phillips 642 DVD player on here and decided to buy one. It does seem to play just about anything you throw in it but I have an issue with it. The color thru the component jacks is all messed up. Everything seems greenish blue. I checked all the jacks 3 times and nothing was wrong. I took it back to Bestbuy and swapped it out for another one thinking maybe I just got a bad player. Same prob when I got home. I hooked up my old player just to make sure it still worked and to see if the prob could be on the tv or cords. My old player had a great picture. I tried one more time with the new one and same thing... Any ideas guys???
  2. Burnist

    Burnist Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    OMG I just bought this player about 2 hours ago, came home, hooked it up, and am having the EXACT same problem as you! I can't believe I came on here and boom there is another person with the same issue.

    What TV are you using? I'm using the Toshiba CN36Z71. Of the 3 color cables for the video, its the red one that is not responding, leaving the picture all greenish, blue like you say. I've got 2 other DVD players here, hooked them up with the same cables, and the picture is fine. I don't want to believe this unit is bad out of the box but I'm starting to think it might be. Unfortunately I don't have another TV in the house with component inputs to test on. I did test the RCA video out and it works fine. It just seems to be the red out that is not working. Maybe you and I got a bad run on the production line?? I'm going to take this thing with me tomorrow to work where I know there will be a TV I can test it on. I'll let you know what happens.
  3. Burnist

    Burnist Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    OMG I need a good beatin thrown on me for not reading the manual! I figured out our problem. Out of the box, this DVD player was set to S-Video under the Video Menu which you get to by hitting the System Menu button on the remote. Change it to YpbPr and your all set!
  4. tsmay51

    tsmay51 Member

    Mar 12, 2005
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    Yep. I figured it out to after I posted. LOL... I cannot believe the default was set for that. That's a first for me.

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