Hi ! Im tring to convert an avi file to mpg but the problem is it keep saying a"n error occured" i think the problem is that the audio source is ac3 since all the others video's im converting are fine (the audio is mp3) im tring to install an ac3 plug in but it's still not working maybe someone can tell me what to do maybe im not installing it right, please help me.
Did you install the codec correctly? What do you want to do? a (S)VCD MPG or a DVD? (because if toy need a DVD you must simply author te MPV with the AC3 audio; keep TMPGenc's audo input line empty). But if you simply want a MPG file, yu can simply extract the audtio with VirtualDubMod (Steram__Stream List___Demux), load the AC3 with HeadAC3he, convert it to MP2 (or to uncompressed WAV) and use it as TMPGenc's 'audio input'.
Eventually it's going to be a vcd file, the thing is i know that im missing something cause the ac3 plugin suppose to solve it, maybe im missing a codec or maybe im installimg it wrong.
Yes, TMPGenc should manage to encode the input's movie AC3 into MP2 [(S)VCD] sound. But to make it quicker and very simple: 1) load the AVI with VirtualDubMod. Do Stream___Stream List ___ Demux. You'll save AC3 sound in your PC. Usually it's sampled 48 kHz, because the AVI is designed to be DVD compliant. 2) After you demuxed it, open with HeadAC3he. Load the AC3 and choose as 'destination format' WAV. Pratically, you're asking it to make AC3 --> WAV, and check also the box 'resample to: 44.1 kHz', so the AC3 48 kHz becomes a WAV 44.1 kHz and there's no need for using TMPGenc's internal audio engine, which makes the conversion to be a litlle slower. 3) After doing that, load the WAV file as 'audio input' in TMPGenc. Nothing easier.
I just did what you said and it looks like its going to be ok it doesn't give me the "unvallid format" announcemet anymore so now i totally convinced that the audio was the problem, can you tell me how to install the ac3 plugin correctly? i rather use the TMPGEnc only and not all the other softwares...