I ve been uploading some vidios and converting with handbrake. I converted to mp4 and uploaded on the windows dvd maker. When i start the burn it will scan everything and then an error pops up and says the encoding is messed up and wont burn. I was wondering if i should download a new burning program or try to convert it to somthing different. thanks for the help.
ya That is kind of what I couldnt figure out, I was wondering what format to convert the movies to. What format will work with microsoft dvd maker or do i need to download a different burner. Thanks for the help
That is what i converted it to mpeg-4 file from handbrake and when i go to burn it it says its encripted wrong. Is there anything else I might be doing wrong Im new to this. Thanks for your time and the fast reply
I know that DVD Flick is Vista compatible and can convert a lot of different source material. It also includes an option to burn the disk. Look at the included concise, step by step guide to see if it suits. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/dvd_flick.cfm
Ok I got it to work thanks a lot guys. I now have a new problem when making a backup im using dvdfab 5 to rip and trying to move the file to dvd flick to burn. When I drag the vid_ts file to dvd flick an error shows up: FILE MAY NOT BE OPENED. FILE MAY BE CORRUPT OR UNSUPPERTED. Do i need to convert or try a different program. thanks a lot for the help I forgot to say when riping im puting dvd to dvd then main movie