My computer downloaded updates for my windows 7. When I turned off my computer, it was written on the screen, "Updates are being installed, Do not turn off your computer." Later the notice on the screen changed. "Updates have failed. Reverting back.... " The problem is....the computer has been "reverting" for hours now. How can I get back on my computer? (I am on my laptop at the moment.) I would appreciate any help anyone would give. Thank you
try the f8 safemode menu & select "last known good working configuration". if that does not work then go to safemode & do a system restore to before the downloading of the updates was started.
I tried both. I tried the system restore from 2 different restore points, but nothing has worked. What about the repair computer? Or do you have another suggestion? I can't access my desktop until this problem is fixed. I appreciate the help you are giving me. Thank you.
Yeah i had that happen on mine after i did a hard shutdown with the same issue you had tho i did manage to get back into the desktop by restarting it a couple of times but i can't remember if they were hard restarts (most probably were as the update would try to install again i think).you can access any files by using a linux live cd/thumb drive.linux lite would be a good option what was the message the repair gave you i.e any reason it couldn't repair or was that repair a hard disk repair with chkdsk (check disc for errors) rather than an OS repair you mention you tried both or is that both restore points ? what about last known good config ? as the latter does work or did for me
Type the following command in the text box or Command Prompt window: rstrui.exe ...and then press the Enter key or press the OK button, depending on where you executed the System Restore command from.
I don't know why, but for some reason, when I turned the computer on today, it came on with no problem. I don't understand this at all. I am almost afraid to restart it to see if it will work properly. If it goes haywire again, I'll let you know. Thank you for all your help.
how are the updates listed as in "microsft .net framework, security updates & updates for windows? how many updates are there total?
Open the updates selector & you should have option to see your history,copy each one to note pad that has error installing. use add/remove progs & make sure non of them are listed,if any are delete them manually download all the failed updates reinstall them starting from the bottom of the failed list not the top (in other words start with kb457777 ) then work your way up to the top,this way you'll get them in order to install & they will work this time round,if a restart is required after each do so before installing the next example of your pretend history microsoft installed updates kb545767 success kb567789 failed kb235667 success kb778899 failed kb457777 failed WARNING: Now that you got your computer going again i found after i did a restart the bloody thing tried to install the failed updates that windows auto downloaded,so clear the temp folder or wherever those updates download too then once cleared what i mention above should work for you.just so we're clear what i mention in this warning first before doing the above workaround
I already hid the updates. So the updates is not opening again. I will have to check this the next time there is an update available. Thank you again for helping