I am having a problem with installing windows xp pro on a sata hard drive. My problem: I boot from the windows cd, load the files from the floppy by pressing f6, files are then copied and it restarts like it is supposed to. After it reboots, installation will not continue, it just boots from the cd and starts all over again. I have tried just about everything, does anyone have any advice? Hard drive: Samsung sp2004c 200gb Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 nForce4-4x chipset thanks
Have you tried without pressing f6 for the SCSI drivers? I just did an XP install on a gigbyte board with a ??? 160 gb sata 3.0 and had no issues at all. No f6 SCSI driver crap.....just a straight install. ~Rich
Look in the BIOS under the Boot selection. Sometimes SATA drives are read as bootable, sometimes there's an ATA compatibility option, and sometimes you just need to select the SATA drive. All depends on the specific board.