Problem with writing

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by HelpMe!, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. HelpMe!

    HelpMe! Guest

    Ok i can copy dvd's which i use shrink to get the data from the dvd then i burn using nero and before my actual dvd surround system played them fine - but the last few movies ive copied my dvd surround system wont play them and only plays if at all anything the first few seconds but its all broken up .
    i have another dvd in a dvd tv combo which plays the movie but the starting up the credits and stuff before the root menu is jumpy - the first copies ive done were all fine how come this is happening now?
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Have you tried uninstalling your programs, rebooting your PC, install the newest version of Shrink, rebooting, installing Nero and finally, rebooting -

    Nero turns "flaky" every now and again - then a good "flushing" and a clean installation works wonders-

    Here's a link to DVDShrink 3.1.6 beta 1 -


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