So the people from Bestbuy called me today and said that after they did their "diagnostic" on my computer, that they had determined that my dual boot with XP and Vista was causing a conflict with each other and they would need to format my HDD and put either XP or Vista back but not both. I know their not right but I don't know what else I can do now. Please help if you can. Thanks I thought it might have been the PSU with my new GPU. Here is a thread about that.
moved to correct forum. do you have 1 hd or 2 as you are better off with 2 hd's if using a dual boot os?
i read the other thread on the topic, and it clearly indicated that it is the PSU. a 300W unit is not enough to power a video card like that. this notion that "XP and Vista was causing a conflict" is a load of bull, and if they go on and format you harddrive and do a reinstall, you will find yourself in the same problem (only this time, missing all you files on your computer). try and get hold of a more powerful PSU (400W minimum) and see if it works.
Yes, I assumed that was the problem and that they didn't know what they were talking about. I will go tomorrow and get my computer back and replace the PSU then. I am only using one 320 GB HDD, with 250 GB for XP, and 40 GB for Vista. I used Partion Magic. Thanks.