Problem writing DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by smshinde, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. smshinde

    smshinde Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Dear All,
    Recently I have downloaded "BBC Life" collection from internet.
    These are 10 files of 1.5 GB each having .MKV extension.
    My Mitashi VO 2511 DVD Player does not support .mkv extension.
    It supports .avi and .mpg files.
    I have tried converting one file to .avi and .mpg but the output files are less in size than original file
    and they are not as clear as that of original one.
    So what I have done is using AVS Video Converter I have converted each file to DVD format using DVD NTSC SP profile.
    Now the output files are of 2 GB (one folder for each file having about 5 files) each and are good in quality.
    How to burn these files on 4.7 GB DVD?
    The DVD burning procedure support only one folder at a time as tried in Nero.
    Is there any way so that I can burn 2 folders of 2 GB each having same strucutre on one DVD of 4.7 GB?
    I tried converting VOB files of second folder from VTS_01_1.VOB to VTS_01_4.VOB but it wont work in Nero.
    In CyberLink PowerProducer it takes files for buring but the total size of DVD required is of about 7GB.

    What I have to do? Is there any alternative solution to view .MKV files in DVD player?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    You can use DVD Shrink and select 'Re-author' to add two titles to one DVD.
    After the first title has played, there will be a slight pause before the second starts.

    Run DVD Shrink;click 'Re-author'.
    On the right pane; browse to the folder containing the first title and open it.
    Drag Title 1 from right to left.
    Browse to the second folder and drag 'Title 1' from right to left.
    Click 'Backup' and save the output to a new folder.

  3. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    I have these.. lovely HD h264 widescreens as well..

    Well worth the effort to put 2 on each disk.. but first to keep the stunning quality convert them to 720x576 x264 (lavc) avi using avidemux.. then author 2 per disk with dvd flick ;)

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