Problem (?)

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mightey14, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. mightey14

    mightey14 Guest

    I was able to make my dvd region free but when I put it in the dvd palyer it jumps thru the whole movie any idea how I can fix this.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    We need more info, chief. What software, what media, PC specs etc.
  3. mightey14

    mightey14 Guest

    Sorry about that.I used dvdshrink with dvd region free.I burned it with nero.I am using memorex media.My computer specs are 2.2mhz 512 megs of ram.
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hey there, mightey14,

    (I remember when I was mighty and 14, God was just then inventing light about then -)

    Just kidding there good guy,

    What I was wondering was - what type of media are you using ?

    If making a copy "Region Free" caused it to skip we all would be having the same problem.

    Generally, with a complaint such as yours, the problem is media - before ya run off sayin how good your super cheap DVD discs are, lemme esplain ta you -
    Poor media Skips, Pauses, Pixilates, partly plays and even refuses to play at all :-(

    Almost all media is good for text, data, spread sheets, jpg and gif pictures and even MP3 music BUT when it comes to DVD's "BLAaaaaatT" it doesn't work - Think about it - if you start making coasters and “Chuckin’” discs, that isn’t cheap. Buying the "Good Stuff” is the best way to go - it burns faster, lasts longer (tis true, edges don’t break down as fast) all in all - it’s good :)

    Give it a try, one thing I’ll guarantee, it will never, ever, ever hurt !!


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