I think there is some incompatibility with Smatripper software and my DVD and CDRW's software.After I instaled Smartripper and tried to rip some DVD chapters my System (Win98SE) crashes and every time I try to run a DVD through PowerDVD I receive this message: "Error Code:8903000 - Unknown file format". When I try to open Nero the following message appears: "Win-ASPI file was not found - Error12: Init failed". My InCD, to use with RW cds, doesn't work too, when you clic its icon or isert a rwcd nothing happens. I already try to reinstall the WINASPI.DLL using Win98SE version without results. Looking at the files of Smartripper I notice that there is a NoASPI file that works together with Smartripper, maybe that's the problem. Even after uninstalling Smartripper on Control Panel my DVD and CDRW drivers don't work properly. Any ideas?I would appreciate that, thanks.
Thanks Wizkid, I really appreciate your advice. The problem with my DVD was fixed. But I'm still having problems with Nero and InCD. My CDRW doesn't record CDRs (when I open Nero Burning Rom I received this message: "recorder virtual image" or something ...) and InCD doesn't recognaize de CDRWs, doesn't open them.I think there's some conflict with Adaptec drivers. I don't know how to delete them. Once more I'd appreciate your advice. Thanks again.