Problems Backing us Suspect

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by platnm630, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. platnm630

    platnm630 Guest

    I have tried and tried to back up Suspect to no avail. I am using DVD Decrypter, ISO read, then ISO write. What happens is 2/3's done, it hangs up and all of the movies isn't there, it won't play.

    I have a brand new laptop with 2.4 ghz, I have an external hard drive to put it to, but the error I get is the fat 32 won't hold larger than 4 gig...What am I doing wrong?
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    You are using Decrypter to process a DVD-9 movie and then you are using Decrypter to write -

    As you like Decrypter to rip, you can use that on DVD-9's (> 4.36GB), but use it the file mode. Then use DVDShrink 3.1.4 (under "Open Files") to open your files for processing, to compress and edit, if you wish and then *burn your DVD with Nero.

    * In reality, all you have to do is have Nero on your system and Shrink will "find it" behind the scenes and will burn your DVD "Automatically" (Ain't life great??)

    If you don't have it, here is everything you need -

    Shrink download -
    Guide - (You'll want this later, use the one at the bottom tonight.:)

    A 30 day, free, fully functional Nero 6 download can be had here:

    A Great Nero, step-by-step guide can be downloaded from – (You won't need this if you're using Shrink, Shrink knows what to do and will do it for you :))

    Once you start working with DVDShrink, you might want to let it do the whole thing for you, as Shrink can rip your DVD just like Decrypter.

    Enjoy yourself,


    A guide plus a useful hint or two if you want to let Shrink do it all -

    When using DVDShrink ver. 3.1.4 nbeta0

    Before I start, I create a folder with my movie’s name somewhere on my HD where I can find it later (i.e. C:/All DVD Work/Pirates of the Caribbean).

    When using DVDShrink, after inserting your DVD, open Shrink, click “Open Disk”. Then, “Select DVD Drive” and click “OK”. After Shrink has opened your disc, anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 ½ minutes you’ll see the size of the disc at the bar at the top of the page. If you have a Green bar with a little Gray at the top of the page, go to the next paragraph:) If you see some “Red”, simply check off those files you don’t want, I.E. Outer Mongolian or Eastern Yak Basin language, or extra audio files – I keep ACS 2ch or ACS 5.1, that will give you stereo, most of the rest you can trash. Only do that if you need to lose some stuff to make it fit. You can also gain more room by clicking “Custom Ratio” and increasing the compression. Remember, do that just until you have ¼ inch of gray at the end of the green bar.

    Personally, I compress until I see about 1/8 of an inch of Gray at the end of my Green bar - that way I’m not writing to the very edge of my DVD disc. - Remember, more compression, a tiny bit less on the picture quality – when I say “less quality” I’m speaking of theoretically less, nothing you can really see with the naked eye for the most part. Let’s make sure that the box which says “Full Disk” is depressed (No need to cheer it up, it likes being depressed :). When you are ready to go, - -> click “Backup”. When the Backup box opens, under “Target Device” make sure your DVD Burner is listed in the window. Under “Target folder”, make sure the folder you made at the beginning with the movie’s name is there (that way you can always go back and burn another copy in the future). Now click “OK”.
    Last step: STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER ! Do not fold, spindle, mutilate, molest nor fondle the keyboard. GO AWAY ! Ms. Computer will let you know when she is finished, to approach her before then may be a hazard to your health -

    Really, let it alone, go call your Mom, she misses you and would love to hear from you - your backup will be ready shortly, honest :)

    And finally, Welcome to the Club -


    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô)
    Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1GB RAM.
    340GB HD, 7200 (Maxtor 120, Western 200 & 20.
    4 Drives, JLMS DVD ROM, HP DVD Writer 200j,
    Nec 4X DVD RW ND-1300A & AXV CD/DVD-ROM.
    GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– XP sp1.[/small]
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2004
  3. platnm630

    platnm630 Guest

    Thanks for the help, however Suspect is not a DVD-9, it is a 5 because the size is less than 4gig, actually, it is 3.68 gig.

    I think I found the problem and that was the DVD was hanging up 'cause it's probably bad. The external DVD burner worked just fine.

    I love this forum, it has a lot of helpful people. Thanks again....;-)
  4. platnm630

    platnm630 Guest

    I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I am not, but you may want to leave your message about "calling mom" cause she misses you, etc.... my mother died in 1993 and I don't have any family....

    Just FYI... But thanks again.
  5. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I still wished I'd have called mine more - Sorry about yours -


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