Ive used DvD shrink Dvd Converter and DVDFab and it burns to the dvd but during playing the dvd it freezes in some spots and in other spots little squares go across the screen so i dont know if anyone can help please
Use better quality blank DVD media and insure your firmware is up to date. If you are burning at max speed, try reducing it to about 1/2 of the rated speed.
Hi, sounds like your problems are either a old or bad/poor quality burner or poor quality media. I like plextor burners and taiyo yuden media
BennyZone, bilbo65 and iluvendo gave you good advice. Use Good Quality blank media(TDK is not quality blank media) and slow the burn down. If you are in the US then BestBuy every now and then sells Verbatim DVD's fairly cheap and you can check the Sunday Adds to see if they are on sale. As iluvendo suggested that you use Taiyo Yuden and you can buy those at Newegg.com. Both Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden blank media are very good and light years ahead of TDK blank media.
] I was burning at 16x and im using Nero i tried to slow it down to 8x like you told me still freezing in places i dont know why its doing this ive done it before with no problems
Probably won't receive any more suggestions since you don't own the movie. Watch out for the infamous "rental" chip.......
BennyZone, Change your blank media to what that was recommended and never mention the "R" word. Just edit your prior post and remove anything that is marginal if you get the gest of what was said.