I have gotten most of the way through copying my first DVD, but I am still having some trouble with the final stage. I've gotten everything from my original DVD into one ISO file that is about 4.17GB. I then tried to use DVD Decrypter to burn the ISO file onto one disc. The entire file transfered, but the actual movie doesn't play. When I put the disc into my DVD player (or run it on my computer), the Dreamworks Studios into plays and then a screen comes up asking for disc 2. I've already verified that the entire ISO file copied over correctly and everything seems fine. Any ideas on what I'm missing here?
Hmmm ... When you open "my computer" how big is the file on the burned dvd? And you said you've verified the ISO? You've watched the ISO file on your pc?
The ISO file is 4.14 GB (4,446,922,752 bytes), so from what i've read it should fit. I'm not really sure how to verify that the ISO is a good file b/c I can't get it to run in my DVD movie application (PowerDVD). I also have the movie ripped out into an Audio_TS directory and a Video_TS directory, but I can't figure out how to put that one to disc.
What programs are you using, and what are your steps? To burn a video_ts file you'll need a program like Nero, Roxio ... etc. What brand of media are you using?
I'm using DVD Decrypter for most of the stuff. It allows me to rip a movie to the Audio_TS and Video_TS directories and also to an ISO file. It also claims to be able to write from an ISO file to a DVD+R. I've also tried using DVDFab, but can't seem to get that one to properly read the source files on hard drive. I'm using Fujifilm brand DVD+Rs.
You are only using DVD Decrypter? For this movie, how big was the original disc? Or did you have to compress it? If you did compress, which program did you use?
There are two types of dvd's ... dvd-9's and dvd-5's. DVD-5's you can rip and burn to a blank, no need for any compression. DVD-9's require the movie to be compressed so it will fit onto a blank DVD+/-R
To be completely honest, I don't really remember how I got the file created. Now that I think about it, it probably came from DVDFab, which I think let me select the elements that I wanted to keep. All I had to do was choose English as the only language and no subtitles and the movie was down to a copyable size.
Ok, get DVD Shrink http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_shrink.cfm DVD Shrink will rip and compress, it needs a program to burn(DVD Decrypter or Nero). I'll assume you don't have Nero(if you do let me know), so we'll have to stick to ISO's. Try using these steps to see if you can get a successful backup: 1) Open Shrink, open disc 2) Click "backup!" 3) Change target destination to "ISO Image File", and check the box to Launch DVD Decrypter 4) Click ok. I can't speak for Fujifilm brand DVD+Rs, but I can recommend using branded Verbatim or branded Ritek's.
ok, i'll give that a try, too. do you think that my original ISO file is in some way bad? DVD Decrypter didn't seem to have a problem creating the file, so i'm a little confused as to why you're having me make another ISO file. shouldn't it just make an exact copy of what i already have? second, i happened to also rip the movie straight to two sets of Video_TS and Audio_TS directories (for disc1 and disc2). is there a way for me to push those files straight to my DVD+R so that it is read as a normal movie?
If the disc will rip, most likely your original is fine. Because I don't have DVDFab, and if that was your original process and it didn't work, then the ISO you already have won't work. So I want to see if you can make a successful backup with the steps I gave you. If you can, then your process with DVDFab is wrong.
ok, that makes sense. i've downloaded/installed DVD Shrink and am now in process of creating the ISO and burning to DVD+R via DVD Decrypter. Thanks for your help with this stuff. I'll let you know how everything turns out tomorrow.
One last suggestion. When backing up dvd's, run no other programs(even being online). Only run your backup software.
ok, things seemed to run a lot better last night. it looks like everything copied over fine using the DVD Shrink ISO instead of the DVD Fab ISO. I'm not sure what the difference is, but it's working now so i won't complain. what about the other structure of source files that i have. is there any way to get a movie that has been ripped to Audio_TS and Video_TS files over onto a playable DVD+R?
[bold]Edited out and error, misread Flip's post.[/bold] [bold]tlatch79[/bold] If you want to check the ISO file in a player, load it in an emulator program. Simulates a disc drive. Daemon is a good freebie. With the ISO mounted in the emulator the PC sees it as a disc and you can view it with your player software or burn it with most transcoding programs. This way you can tell what the original ISO looks like. From the sounds of things, it would be a good idea to print out a copy of the DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter guides and read them, and keep them handy until you're comfortable with the controls and functions of the programs. Shrink recognizes Video_TS files when you open in the File mode. Players before burning look at the separate files in file mode. So you can view those separately if you wish before burning. Or use the Shrink viewer once it has analyzed the files and scan. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
Wrong order how? I guess I should have put "usually" needs no compression. which ... [bold]require the movie to be compressed so it will fit onto a blank DVD+/-R[/bold] Why not use Shrink?
tlatch79 said, The reason I mentioned emulators was because he didn't have a method of using the ISO in software other than Shrink. Daemon is free. Flip did a good job of explaining the DVD Shrink. I just intended to address the rest of the problem. An emulator can utilize ISO to work with most programs. We know Shrink picks up the ISO with the Disc Image choice. It can just as easily use Open Disc with the ISO in the emulator. So 2 ways of doing it with Shrink. [bold]But the other programs have to have the ISO in the emulator.[/bold] Flip, I should have had that cup of coffee before I got started. I now see you were talking about ripping the retail video 5s and 9s. I was reading hurriedly. We can now record with 5s or 9s. The order is reversed that way. You don't have to compress when recording [bold]to[/bold] a double layered disc. Most of the time when recording [bold]to[/bold] a 5, one uses a transcoder to shrink. Not a lot of DVD-5 videos out there anymore. The studios like giving us all those extras. I should have looked more closely. Have a good evening.
Good evening Flip. The fixes for the 321 software have been tested. A bunch of the work is covered on threads here at AD. A member here at AD first mentioned one of the fixes and how to do it manually. The fixes at 321 Rip Forumz are for taking the backup window out of a video and opening the ripper in the RF versions. It is even supposed to work with the new Extreme programs. 321 Rip Forumz is a handy spot for things about 321 software. If a person runs into a problem with a patch, they can get the answer from the guy that wrote it. The problem usually comes from trying to put the patch in a program where it won't work. If you have some of the software, check it out. The little fixes make the software less annoying. No one liked that backup window and it didn't keep 321 out of trouble.
Brobear, I was asking about the new shrink It will be nice when it's out. I do have Platinum RF w/ 321rip ... Don't use it much anymore, but am glad the backup screen is gone. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Dell 8250, Pentium 4 2.80GHz 1.5 GB RDRAM, 200GB HD TDK 840G, Sony DDU-1612 DVD-ROM XP Pro, ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro[/small]