Problems playing burned DVD on Cyberhome DVD PLayer

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by Dragan123, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. Dragan123

    Dragan123 Guest

    Sup everyone

    I just recently successfully completed my first burn on a DVD. What I was burning was a collection of music videos that I have on cd's and wanted to burn them to DVD to play on my standalone.

    Well it plays perfectly fine on my laptop and desktop, however when I tried to play it on my standalone it loads the menu just fine shows all the videos there, but after i play about 5 or so videos the whole player locks up and I have to unplug it from the surge protector.

    What I am wondering is this a media problem? I am using Maxell DVD+R disks manf. in Taiwan. From what I was told this DVD player would play all manner of backups including cd's, mp3's and photo cd's.

    Could it have been a burning problem? I loaded the DVD up pretty full I think I used about 4.30gb of a 4.37gb dvd. They all fit on there fine, NVE gave no errors when encoding the files or during the burning process. As I said it played perfectly fine on my laptop dvd player as well as my desktop.

    Can anyone give me some ideas? The only thing I can think of is that I put too much on the disk, I was able to fit 41 videos on the DVD in the .VOB format. I was thinking on my next run I would cut it down to about 25 or 30 to increase the quality of the DVD.

    Thanks in advance for any help!!

    PS: BigO if you see this, thanks for all your help.

  2. Dragan123

    Dragan123 Guest

    Forgot to say the standalone DVD Player is a Cyberhome CH-DVD320.

  3. killerzip

    killerzip Member

    Dec 17, 2004
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    read the faq and others posts many have had your same problem.

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